Monday, March 5, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On March 4, 2012


  1. Turning Voices into Votes- The Awakening 2012

  2. Bill Fletcher, Jr. – Leading Socialist Calls for Mass Actions, Law Breaking, to Re-Elect Obama in 2012

  3. Going Public: If you want to Drop Carbonite… Two Thoughts

  4. Via Facebook

  5. An Army of Breitbarts- Andrew’s Legacy Lives On

  6. Columbine Speaks

  7. What Hath…-

  8. Image of the Day- Young Man Votes in Iran Friday While Wearing 'God Bless America' shirt

  9. Nanny State Alert- NY State Senate Passes Law Making Sale of Irish Coffee a Felony-

  10. ‘Breitbart Is Here’- Conservative Bloggers Craft Viral Eulogy

  11. VIDEO- Liam Fox Issues a Warning to America

  12. What’s Worse- Spygate or Bountygate-

  13. Free Speech Australia

  14. Wabbit to Afghan Muslim primitives- go screw yourselves!

  15. an icon in the making

  16. (bumped and sticky) Breitbart Is Here

  17. Who gives a damn what liberals “deem racist”-

  18. ‘Deadly Storms Rock Towns Across Heartland’

  19. Sunday Night reflections

  20. Why do public employee unions run ads against Romney in Ohio-

  21. 5 in a row for Mitt; Santorum finishes 3rd in Washington State

  22. I Need a Back-Up Solution But I Know Who I Won’t Be Using

  23. Daily Read – March 4

  24. Sarah Palin- Obama’s Apology to Savages – Stay Focused – Give Troops Commander in Chief They Deserve

  25. Rule 5 Saturday Night- Joanna and Marta Krupa

  26. Afghan Women Say Being The Wife Of Taliban Fighters Has Its Perks- “When They Come Home They Are Tired And Don’t Beat Us

  27. Three Occupy Oakland Protesters Charged With Hate Crimes…

  28. Ex-Black Panther Leader Urges Occupy Oakland To Arm Themselves…

  29. Mooch at a fundraiser- “You will be sick of us after a while”

  30. What’s inside Muslim minds- —Ishtiaq Ahmed

  31. Not Canada For A Change- How taxpayers are still funding the extremists

  32. “We’re not really people to them.”

  33. Divine Appointments!

  34. NASA Laptops Controlling The ISS Stolen

  35. Blessing the Wine- An ancient Jewish tradition sheds light on Jesus' last supper

  36. New Study- Law School Deans Violate Law To Skew Rankings

  37. Workers File Brief Opposing Union Boss Challenge to Indiana Right to Work Law

  38. Federal Court Rubberstamps Obama NLRB Rule to Push More Workers into Union Ranks

  39. NFIB- Job Creation Breaks Even in February; Hiring Plans Look Grim

  40. Australian Ethicists Argue the Right to Kill Babies After They’re Born

  41. Marine Two

  42. Carbonite drops Rush

  43. China and Russia Embark on Military Buildup as America Stands Down

  44. Obvious- Michelle Obama says, You will be sick of us after a while.”

  45. Whites in NY Turned Away From Firefighter Exam Workshop Hosted by Black Firefighter Group (video)

  46. Poll- Gingrich ahead in Georgia by double-digit margin

  47. Gingrich Won’t Criticize Limbaugh, But Says Obama’s Call to Sandra Fluke Was Opportunistic

  48. Three #Occupy Oakland Goons Charged With Robbery & Hate Crimes After Battering Woman At Protest

  49. Guest Submission- One Texas College Student’s Run-ins With Bias

  50. GOP- Dems 'played games' over Sandra Fluke

  51. Global Islamists Plan March 30 Rally to Liberate Jerusalem from Jewish Control

  52. 1 John 1-5-10

  53. Further Proof Romney Supported a National Individual Mandate In 2009

  54. Sebelius- Reduction in Pregnancy Pays for ObamaCare Contraception Mandate – So Why

  55. The Left Hates The 1st Amendment

  56. Newt Gingrich- Instrumental in Reagans Supply Side Revolution- Yes He Was

  57. Firefox To Google- “Drop Dead”

  58. Thieves Steal Patron Saint’s Heart From Dublin Cathedral

  59. Horrible… Obama Tells AIPAC He Supported Israel After Gaza Flotilla Interception …(Not True)

  60. Sunday Funnies  laughthumb

  61. Democrats have a responsibility to repudiate Bill Maher

  62. Likud Members Mock Barack Obama’s AIPAC Stump Speech

  63. Is the GOP Establishment Leading Us Over a Cliff-

  64. Choices  laughthumb

  65. Got A Question…

  66. Boehner Disappoints Again- Criticizes Limbaugh After 75 Democrats Urge Him On

  67. Video- Economics for 5 years olds… taught by a 5 year old

  68. Video- Mitt Romney in 2009 on Obama modeling his plan after Romneycare

  69. Coming soon to a theater near you   laughthumb

  70. After Hammering Gingrich, Santorum Over Earmarks, Romney Is Exposed

  71. Occupiers Revealed- Common Criminals and Thugs

  72. Wrong Side

  73. Paramas and Rutherford Synagogue Attacks- Aakash Dalal Arrested – Anthony Graziano



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