Saturday, March 24, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On March 23, 2012


  1. Pope Benedict- “Marxist Ideology No Longer Corresponds To Reality”…

  2. Special Announcement: Sheriff Joe Arpaio To Hold Another Press Conference March 31

  3. Jeb Bush endorses Romney, calls for unity

  4. Coincidence! Really-

  5. Updated List Identifies Corporate Supporters of Planned Parenthood

  6. OWS Protesters taunt NYPD with doughnut on a string  fiery4

  7. Chrysler Driving America has creepy resemblance to Obama Logo

  8. Lord Christopher Monckton (former policy adviser to Margaret Thatcher)- ‘I’m no birther,’ but Obama Birth Certificate ‘plainly a forgery’  sm-Dance2

  9. Religion of Peace Update- 943 Pakistani women and girls were murdered last year for allegedly defaming their families honor icon_rant

  10. Now Playing on YouTube and Facebook: 'Kill Rush Limbaugh'

  11. Work-Related Of The Day

  12. Why The 2012 Election Is Already Over

  13. WTF Of The Day

  14. Those peace-loving black South Africans;

  15. Does any sane person doubt that the left are the real enemy-

  16. How to overcome sexual sin

  17. How to overcome sexual sin II

  18. A culture warrior run amok

  19. A bloody year for women in Pakistan  icon_rant

  20. DIRTY LIBS ARE BUSTED – Robocall Scandal About to Break Wide Open – Extent of Scandal Has National Implications (New Video)  sm-Dance2

  21. Report- 85% of Hate Crimes Committed in Europe in 2011 Were Aimed at Christians

  22. Supreme Court Tells EPA It’s Not Above the Law

  23. In the current crisis, Santorum would be a lousy nominee

  24. Republican House in NH rejects repeal of Granite State’s recognition of same-sex marriage

  25. Not An American!  icon_rant

  26. We Ain’t Celebratin’!

  27. Daily Read – March 23

  28. The Senior Version  sm-Dance2

  29. Bob Jones- The Year of the Man - Sent to the Nations

  30. CAIR Canada, Canadian Islamic Congress,ISNA Canada Denounce Muslim Terrorist Mohammed Merah

  31. Move Over Seabiscuit...Here comes Blazingcatfur  snicker

  32. Lying Piece Of Shit Islamist Tariq Ramadan- Mohammed Merah Not Anti-Semitic...He's A Victim!

  33. Instructions Made Clear

  34. Florida Democrat Files Lawsuit to Remove Barack Obama from November Ballots  snicker

  35. Starbucks CEO Puts Company Behind Washington State’s Pro-‘Gay’ Marriage Bill icon_rolleyes

  36. Why Liberals Won’t Be Able to Shut Down Rush Limbaugh and Conservative Talk Radio

  37. Weekend Caption Contest

  38. Speaking Of Bells

  39. A Few Notes On The Book

  40. Mad About The NYSE

  41. Loving God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength- getting the focus right

  42. Department of Labor’s Attempt to Kill the Family Farm

  43. Stand Your Ground Self Defense Laws Under Ferocious Attack

  44. Politico- Those assumptions by Democrats on ObamaCare were way off, huh-

  45. Hospital Union Officials Face Federal Charges for Disclosure Malpractice

  46. Signs of trouble in Elizabeth Warrenland

  47. From Twitter bombing to war of attrition

  48. Obamacare 2nd Anniversary Collective Mourning

  49. Hello old friend

  50. Zimmerman-Martin questions

  51. Friday Fume

  52. I'm suffering from information overload

  53. The Socialist Democrats Assault on Our Way of Life, or Has America gone completely

  54. IPCC Reviewer - There Is Not A Scrap Of Evidence Supporting Anthropogenic Global Warming

  55. To Destroy A Young Man's Hopes And Dreams

  56. Cartoon Round Up  laughthumb

  57. Tebow Comes To Sodom

  58. Man Jailed After Calling 911 Because Wife Was Sitting Next To Him  snicker

  59. Someone please pass the Nō-Dōz  laughthumb

  60. I want to

  61. Pretty incredible  sm-Dance2

  62. Federal Judge Okays Flag Desecration fiery4

  63. Top Industry Leader- Obama Is Most Anti-Business President in My Lifetime

  64. Whoa Whoa Whoa… Santorum’s Remark and the Misplaced Over-Reaction to It

  65. French Teacher Calls For Moment of Silence To Honor Jihadist Killer Mohamed Merah…  fiery4

  66. Like We’re Not Busy Enough