Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Deception Of The Very Elect Has Begun In Full Force


The Deception of the Very Elect has begun in full force by Gene over at Gene-A Prophet


I awoke this morning and clearly heard:

That which I warned of has now manifest in the world. The elect, those who call My name, those who are ministers and shepherds are being shepherded by another voice. Many never knew My voice. They never knew the voice of the Shepherd. Many who once did have now allowed the voices that tickle their itching ears to silence My true voice. They are deceived into following another. This satisfies motivations of their flesh, motivations of their pride, motivations of their fear of man. They are becoming unknown to Me. There is a great divide occurring between in those who call themselves Christian and those who are truly Sons and Daughters. It will be a time of tearing. A time of separation. Chaff and tares will look much like wheat. Only the wind of My spirit will separate the impure from pure. The judgment I must bring will not be just for their own error, but multiplied for the error they impose as they lead others astray. These false shepherds have been falsely led and now lead others falsely. They no longer will bear sound doctrine. They have believed a lie. For this reason I will shame them. I will remove them. Some will come to their senses and ask how did this happen as they are humiliated? They have become blinded to the difference between righteousness and unrighteousness. They have become among those who call good evil and evil good. They have relied on their reason and intellect to allow the world to crush them into it's mold. They have become useless to ME and now I will expose and dispose of them. They are no longer profitable.

This is a much harder word than I usually bring, but I know it to be true. I live in terror that I might be weighed and found wanting. The judgment of God is about to act against those who are creating deception. Be not deceived. God is not mocked. The stench of our sin has risen up before him and cries out against us all.


NOTE: This is something I thought need to be share and thought about from a site I visit daily.

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