Saturday, March 3, 2012

Connecting The Dots On Fast And Furious


It is up to us on the right to  keep “Fast And Furious”up front because the Left wants to bury it. The Left doesn’t want to face consequences of this travesty. We have to see justice is done.


Connecting the Dots on Fast and Furious by Ronald Kolb over at American Thinker


When Eric Holder testified last December before the House Judiciary Committee about the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal, he proclaimed in his opening statement that the Justice Department had been "fully cooperative and responsive in its dealing with Congress."


But later during the hearing, Florida Congresswoman Sandy Adams asked Holder about his communications with his top aides concerning Fast and Furious.


"Did you at any time -- at any time -- e-mail on your personal account with Larry Breuer -- Lanny Breuer and Gary Grindler in regards to Fast and Furious ever?" asked Adams.


Holder: Ever?


Adams: Yes...


Holder: I don't know.


Adams then asked, "[W]ould you check and get back with us? If you need some help, I'm sure your agency personnel can get into those computers."


Holder responded that he would not provide any e-mails written after February 4, 2011 -- when a false letter concerning Fast and Furious had been composed and sent to Congress from the Justice Department.


Read more:


Related Articles:

  1. Holder questioned about Agent Zapata murder’s link to Fast & Furious

  2. Holder Slams Table When Questioned  Over Fast and Furious

  3. Media Ignores Not One, But Two Gun-Walking Scandals

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