Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Apparatchiks And Meatheads Of The Day (3-5-2012)


1)  Sandra Fluke has a record of denying free speech to others? Sandra Fluke helped shut down a pro-life speech on Cornell's campus by counter protesting with misleading statistics about abortion. Free speech for Sandra Fluke but not Rush Limbaugh. Fluke is no struggling law student -- she's already a professional far-left genderist, long deeply into the leftist scam of judging others by skin color or gender.  fiery4


  1. Sandra Fluke and Rush vs. Monica Lewinsky and Clinton

  2. Rally for Rush

  3. Student dismisses Rush apology

  4. Liberals Losing Their Collective Minds Over Rush Comments

  5. Sandra Fluke- Rush Limbaugh's apology doesn't change anything

  6. Sandra Fluke, Georgetown student called a ‘slut’ by Rush

  7. Sandra Fluke says she expected criticism, not …

  8. Sandra Fluke v. Joe the Plumber

  9. Sandra Fluke a 30 year old activist, not a 23 year old student

  10. Sandra Fluke and the “Fair Access to Family Court” Bill Protecting Gay Couples

  11. Fluke Snubs Rush Apology: 'Read Media Matters'


2)  Mike Malloy mocks victims of tornados and Christians on his radio show.  fiery4


  1. Libtalker mocks victims of tornadoes as “God smashing them into little grease spots

  2. Lib Radio Host Mocks Tornado Victims- “Their God … keeps smashing them into little grease spots


3)  Shaking my head at Representative Emanuel Cleaver. Did you know this gentleman was a Methodist Minister before he was in Congress?He also is another race card abuser. He complained today that the current Congressional investigations are racist because the six lawmakers under review by the House Ethics Committee are black.  Those six lawmakers had to of done something wrong in order to get investigated. Let the six prove they are innocent. Not to mention, there are whites in these investigation too.  i-dont-know


  1. Black Leaders Say Congressional Investigations Are Racist 

  2. Congressional Black Caucus- House Ethics Investigations Against Our Members Are Racist…

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