1) Nancy Pelosi got me wondering if she needs a straight jacket. The things she says is on the weird side of my way of thinking.
Nancy Pelosi- Obamacare is like the Declaration of Independence or Something
Pelosi- Healthcare law guarantees ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness’
The Ignorance Of The Left Is Mind Boggling
Inside the Mind of Pelosi…Rattling and Squeeking
Pelosi- Obamacare Is Like Declaration of Independence
Pelosi- Obamacare Is “Ironclad Constitutionally”…
2) Some of the pictures I see of Jay Carney makes him look like a high school kid with an important job. Otherwise we know who’s side Carney is on. It isn’t ours.
3) We all know Van Jones is a Communist so there no need to say who’s side he is on. It does need to be known this man is lying about Obama’s opponents hating everyone in American. Think ‘Twilight Zone’ on that idea of his.
4) Rule One in voting for a Representative make sure they know their U.S. History. Nazis did not bomb Pearl Harbor like Representative Keith Ellison says. It was the Japanese.
5) Bill Maher is getting tired of being use to point out Obama’s hypocrisy. Word of advice for Bill Maher get use to it or quit.
Bill Maher Demands People Stop Using Him To Point Out Obama’s Hypocrisy…
Bill Maher reaping what Media Matters has sown