Saturday, March 3, 2012

Apparatchiks And Meatheads Of The Day (3-2-2012)


1)  Representative Nancy Pelosi lies again with saying Republicans are at war with women. The truth is the Democrats have a policy against choice. If your not with the Democrats your demonized.  fiery4  


  1. No, Nancy, there’s no Republican War On Women, but there is a Democratic Policy Against Choice

  2. Pelosi- “As A Catholic” I Support Obama’s Contraception Mandate…

  3. Nancy Pelosi Pushes Agenda 21 On House Floor

  4. Pelosi- '90 percent of Catholic women of childbearing age' use birth control [VIDEO]

*************************************************************2)  Kathleen Sebelius disgust me with stupid ideas. It should be up to the parents how many kids they want.


  1. Pro-Abortion Fanatic HHS Secretary Sebelius- We Can Save Money By Having Fewer Babies…

  2. Welfare Disguised as Women's Rights

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