Tuesday, February 14, 2012

National Review Goes After Gingrich Again By Mark


National Review Goes After Gingrich Again by Mark over at Mark America

I think it’s pretty clear that there is only so much room in the market for conservative media outlets, and since it’s likewise clear that the National Review has slowly transformed into the Establishment publication of record, I am calling on the editors at the National Review to set aside its claims to conservatism. Since they’re so interested in cleaning up this race, I think they should step aside as the conservative journal of record. You may think I’m nuts, but you see, according to the National Review, Newt Gingrich should withdraw from this race for the sake of Rick Santorum. Newt Gingrich is simply an obstruction, they say. He doesn’t have the temperament or the popularity to govern or even win the election, they say. He must go, they say. To all of this, I say “Nuts!” Gingrich should respond similarly. While the Review plays its silly games, pretending to favor Santorum, I know what it is that they’re really after.


Don’t get me wrong: If Rick Santorum is able to make good on his recent victories, and becomes the eventual Republican nominee, vanquishing Romney, it will be better than Romney winning, but the trouble is that such an outcome isn’t set in stone, and more than this, I believe the call for Gingrich to withdraw is a head-fake. The National Review doesn’t want Santorum either, but what they would like to do is reduce this contest to just two candidates(other than Ron Paul.) You see, if this is reduced to a Romney v. Santorum race, Romney and the National Review suspect that with all of the cash at his disposal, Mitt Romney will be able to power through to the nomination. If Gingrich withdraws, the National Review will likely have been correct, as Romney will grind him down with negative attack ads until the electorate’s eyes bleed. 


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