Tuesday, February 7, 2012

If Fox Fails Us


If Fox Fails Us by Bruce Walker over at American Thinker

Over the last decade, conservatives have enjoyed Fox News, a national news network which has given conservatives a fair shake and which has been willing to expose the bigotry of the establishment media towards conservatism. Yet there is the chance that Fox News, when owner Rupert Murdoch dies, may drift towards the lockstep leftism so characteristic of other news networks.


Fortunately, for a couple of reasons, we need not fret too much if this does happen.


Mass communications, including network news, is driven in part by market forces. We should not overestimate this influence. If ideological competition operated in the area of network news, academia, or other parts of the communication and education domains, then half of the colleges would be overtly conservative, and most of the big newspapers and magazines would be conservative, and Hollywood would produce lots of films that exalt the values we share.


Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/2012/02/if_fox_fails_us.html#ixzz1lbVn77RZ

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