Sunday, April 15, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On April 14, 2012


  1. Amazing Photos of Erupting Mount Etna

  2. Rare pic- 8 bolts hit Bay Bridge

  3. Bruce Willis is proud papa

  4. Congress listening- Tens of thousands calling

  5. Huckabee challenges Limbaugh head to head

  6. Nanny State Alert- Los Angeles trying to ban yards

  7. Nice. Florida Democrat Jumps in Ring – Bashes Ann Romney

  8. The Tribal Hypocrisy of the Left

  9. You feel me, my fellow Americans-

  10. Flashback Of The Day

  11. Spitfires buried in Burma during war to be returned to UK

  12. ‘Man drank 50 cans of VB, then drove’

  13. ‘What if the government rejects the Constitution-’

  14. Commie Fund Raiser To Be Held In St. Louis Union Hall; Awardees Include Local AFL-CIO Prez And Former Dem Organizer

  15. Nice. Florida Democrat Jumps in Ring – Bashes Ann Romney

  16. Ann Romney rallies conservative troops to her husband’s cause

  17. Daily Read – April 14

  18. Put Up Yer Dukes!

  19. Heaven and Hell

  20. Poured Out Revelation

  21. Two Cheers For Glenn Beck, With Some Reservations

  22. Feel The Burn!

  23. Some Ol’ Broad Rambles About My Book

  24. The Long, Um, Arm Of The Law

  25. She’s Sorry [Reader Post]

  26. Bill Whittle- The signal will get out

  27. The Beetle Battle is over

  28. It still always ends badly

  29. We may have a winner

  30. Political cartoons of the day : 04/14/12

  31. ICE Begins Process To Deport Obama’s Illegal Alien Uncle

  32. DOL forcing media to use government computers

  33. Scytl currently has contracts with 900 U.S. jurisdictions to count votes

  34. Ann Romney- Enemy of the State-

  35. -VIDEO- Epic Zombie ‘Obamacare’ Horror Video Featuring Murdered Herman Cain

  36. The Other McCain has your headline of the day- Whatever You Do, Don’t Tell Canada-

  37. Have Democrats shot themselves in the foot by attacking Ann Romney-

  38. Oops- Cable Co. Airs Hardcore Porn During ABC‘s ’Good Morning America’

  39. -VIDEO- The Newtster To NRA- UN Should Adopt Treaty Extending Right To Bear Arms To Every Human Being

  40. Alan Dershowitz on Zimmerman affidavit

  41. Why do we pick on the French-

  42. HHS Secretary Sebelius- Hey, lets get Sharpton to race pimp Obamacare!

  43. Welcome to the Hotel Catatonia  snicker

  44. Time to do your patriotic duty

  45. Back to the old drawing board  laughsmiley

  46. Tripping, flipping, and looking funny

  47. I gotta get me one of these!

  48. Wisconsin Lt. Gov. Rebecca Kleefisch Rips Obama Adviser For Attacking Stay-at-Home

  49. Rick Santelli’s Latest Rant Rips Buffett Rule

  50. Secret Service Finds Booze And Prostitutes More Important Than Obama  icon_rant

  51. Madison Tea Party Rally Today – #Occupiers & Union Goons Threaten Chaos

  52. One Of Us Is Goin’ Down….And It Ain’t Gonna Be Me!  snicker

  53. Video- Jacob Turk on Rep. Cleaver's $1.35 Mil Bank Default - Where Did Our Money Go

  54. Saturday Night Card Game (What is left of the Zimmerman-Martin racial narrative-)

  55. Just In Time- When the Trucks Stop, America Will Stop (With Immediate and Catastrophic Consequences)-John Malcolm