Thursday, April 26, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On April 25, 2012


  1. The so-called Jesus Discovery

  2. March radio ratings in for Rush Limbaugh

  3. A Message to the State Department- The War on Terror is not over

  4. Can A Fart Kill-

  5. Social Security $8.6 trillion in the hole over the lifetime of someone born today

  6. Michelle Obama sounds like she is missing Acorn already

  7. Dalai Lama- 'I Love President Bush'

  8. Pic Of The Day

  9. Which Is Worse- Spying Or Eavesdropping

  10. Boneheads Of The Day

  11. Girl Spills Yogurt On Obama, He Says ‘Getting Yogurt On The President, You’ve Got A Story To Tell’

  12. Old battles, tradition and culture

  13. ‘I wish we’d left Benefits Britain long ago’

  14. Remembering

  15. We remember them

  16. Supreme Court Appears to Back Arizona in Illegal Immigrant Case

  17. Jimmah Carter- “I’d Be Comfortable With Romney” as President (Video)

  18. Floridians Support George Zimmerman More Than Marlins or Rays

  19. Marco Rubio Is Put Under Police Protection After “Credible Threat” Made Against Him


  21. The Clock Is Ticking- How Long Until Romney Retreats-

  22. Oh Fer The Love Of Pete!

  23. It’s Not Race, It’s Hatred

  24. Harry and The Free Spending Senate

  25. Daily Read – April 25

  26. EPA Official- We’re “Crucifying” Oil And Gas Companies…

  27. Axeldouche- It’s “Silly” To Talk About Obama Feasting On A Dog’s Flesh…

  28. Supreme Court Justices Baffled By Obama Admin’s Rationale For Stopping Arizona From Enforcing Immigration Laws

  29. National Atheist Group Demands Rhode Island City Remove Cross From Atop 91-Year-Old War Memorial  icon_rant

  30. House Dem- People Will Vote For Obama To Keep Their Welfare Benefits…

  31. Mooch- “I’m Strong, Smart And Bold”…

  32. Obama Labor Department To Ban Children From Doing Chores On Family Farms…

  33. Occupy DC Speaker Tells Protesters- If I’m Arrested, “I Want You To Start Killing Motherfuckers!”…

  34. Sarah Silverman; A Nazi’s favorite Kind of Jew

  35. More Guns means LESS CRIME and dead criminals

  36. Sorry for the crudity..but the truth is crude sometimes

  37. Rob DeLuca- God Will Defend America - A New Move is Coming!

  38. Investigate Suzuki's foundation-

  39. 6 Reasons The Who Is Better Than That Stupid Band You Like

  40. If I gave you the number of Michigan IP addresses that are on some of these sites, it's staggering,”

  41. An evening of jovial bigotry...much of it actionable under both provincial and federal law

  42. No Fear of Man!

  43. Economic Realities Contradict Obama’s Story Telling

  44. White House Wants Us to Believe Their Staff is Innocent in Secret Service Prostitution Scandal

  45. In An Hour You’ll Wanna Wear Them Again

  46. It’s Morphin’ Time!

  47. Was The 2008 Election Stolen-

  48. Leadership Culture

  49. Questions for CAIR

  50. Bold Mine (An Independent Social Conservative Voter)

  51. Beyond Mitt… the Conservative challenge to saving America [Reader Post]

  52. How My Son Was Humiliated and Tormented by his Teacher and Aide  icon_rant

  53. Civil Union Confusion

  54. Don’t Waste Your Time Being a Christian

  55. Being Anti-Gay Makes You A Homophobe And Closet Homosexual

  56. All You Need is Love

  57. Understatements

  58. Blue Dogs down

  59. The “Progressive” brand — for what does it stand-

  60. Gag

  61. Oral argument reports- Supreme Court appears poised to uphold key part of Arizona Immigration Law (SB1070)

  62. Dick Lugar defers on whether Tea Party good for GOP … until he finds out if he wins primary

  63. A boycott based on deeply held beliefs

  64. As Election Nears, Florida Again Ground Zero

  65. Save us Chuck Woolery- #California Term Limits- Vote No on #Prop28

  66. Contact your voting district and ask if they use “SOE software”; don’t even mention “#Scytl”

  67. Clarification- Mike Ilitch and the Detroit Tigers Did Not Hold a Fundraiser for Obama

  68. Immigration News All Bad for Democrats

  69. Thanks Newt!

  70. Awful!… Family Misses Flight After Obama TSA Targets Disabled Girl