Thursday, April 26, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (4-25-2012)



  1. Obama Wins Close or Loses Big

  2. Obama Loves America… When It Agrees With Him

  3. Obama Fails To Call Armenian Deaths 'Genocide' For 4th Year. Scrubbed Promise From His Website

  4. Barack Obama Literally BEGGING For Campaign Cash

  5. President Obama and Michelle only paid off their student loans eight years ago

  6. Obama- College Debt ‘Not Something I Read About in Briefing Book’

  7. Obama Blasts Rush Limbaugh and Grover Norquist in Rolling Stone Interview

  8. More Obama Fairy Tales

  9. Obama Bites Dog

  10. Obama Panders Uncontrollably To Far-Left Base, Attacks Rush Limbaugh And Grover Norquist…

  11. Obama- “I Never Bought Into Notion Of A Post-Racial America” After My Election…

  12. Old And Busted- Obama Touts Algae As “Green” Energy Source – New And Hot- Obama’s EPA Drops $90K

  13. Obama- “Now Is The Time To Double Down” On My Failed Policies…

  14. Economic Realities Contradict Obama’s Story Telling

  15. Obama’s Plan- Raise Taxes, Spend More, and Pander Even More

  16. Like France, Obama selling politics of denial

  17. Obama continues to beclown the office of President of the United States

  18. So where’s that unity, responsibility, and transparency-

  19. Obama Debt Charts

  20. Did Obama Jump the Shark on Fallon-

  21. -VIDEOS- Obama’s War

  22. Your Daley Gator Barack Obama Image O’ The Week

