Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Journalistic Propaganda Machine Of The Day (4-24-2012)


  1. Media Protect Elizabeth Warren in Senate Race

  2. Black School Kids Take Bat to Piñata Shaped Like White Woman, Media Yawns

  3. Chris Matthews- The Republican Party is the “Grand Wizard crowd.”

  4. NPR Fails to Disclose Reporter's Ties to Activist Group

  5. NY Times Pledges ‘Unbiased Political Reporting’

  6. Bashir- If You Agree with Palin, You Should See My Psychiatrist

  7. WHI and WSI Pressuring New York Times To Ask “Who Is The Real Barack Obama”-

  8. Oh Brother… Media Attacks Romney Over Vacations in France – Forgets About Obama Family’s Non-Stop Globe-Trotting

  9. Where’s the Media-… Mobile Man Clings to Life After Brutal Beating By Black Mob – Saying “This Is Justice For Trayvon”

  10. NBC News President- Network Should “Probably” Apologize On-Air For Repeatedly Running Fake Zimmerman Clip

  11. NY Times Editor Pledges “Unbiased Political Reporting” On Obama, Admits Paper’s Liberal Bias… 

  12. MSNBC- Obama Blurring Line Between Campaigning On Taxpayer-Dime

  13. MSNBC’s Matthews Likens Romney to KKK and ‘Birthers’

  14. The Media's Sins of Omission, And Dr. Zaius…

  15. New York Times Employees Fit to Be Tied Over Little Pinch's Pension Changes

  16. Comedy- The Paper of Record Promises Hard Look at President Obama

  17. CNN- Obama Crowd Half the Size of '08

  18. Keith What’s-His-Name Partisan Hack x1000

  19. Hatchet Job On Israel By 60 Minutes

  20. A message to CBS