Wednesday, April 25, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On April 24, 2012


  1. Sheriff Joe releasing more on Obama, attacks begin

  2. Was Michelle Obama behind Hilary Rosen's attack on Ann Romney- 

  3. Obama Administration- The War on terror is over

  4. Catholic Bishops throw down the gauntlet over Obamacare birth control mandates

  5. Steve Bannon's 'Occupy Unmasked' Previews to Standing Ovation

  6. Another Obama Recession Coming Soon-

  7. It’s-All-About-ME Of The Day

  8. Liberal Indoc Of The Day

  9. Video Of The Day

  10. Horrifying Visual Of The Day  d'oh

  11. Zimmerman Release- No Just-Us, No Peace

  12. Pic Of The Day

  13. Gibson Guitars, my favorite, harassed by feds

  14. Utah’s Love looking to be first black Republican woman in House

  15. Lest we forget

  16. A political flow-chart-

  17. Fleeing the Velvet Gulag-

  18. Whale Oil attacks the Catholic Church again, this time over nuns

  19. New 'Study' Retreads Old Gay Narrative

  20. If I Wanted America To Fail

  21. Leave the churches be

  22. New Video “If I Wanted America to Fail…” Exposes Democrat Plan to Destroy America

  23. “They” Are Counting On Our Ignorance

  24. The Face Of A Terrorist-

  25. Daily Read – April 24

  26. Pic of The Day- Marine Service Dog Mourns Combat Death of His Handler In Afghanistan…

  27. Holder’s DOJ Sues Florida City Claiming Firefighter Tests Racist Against Blacks…

  28. Book- Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee’s Personality So Grating Even The Congressional Black Caucus Dislikes Her

  29. An Unrepentant God by Robert Blackburn

  30. Joke Of The Day- Attorney General Rob Nicholson Says Dalton McGuinty Has To Charge Khadr With Treason

  31. Die Hard Totalitarians Make Last Ditch Effort To Save Canada's Most Reviled Law - Section 13

  32. Don't Try To Lay No Boogie Woogie On Our King of Heart & Soul

  33. Michael Coren’s new book ‘Heresy- Ten Lies They Tell About Christianity’ launches tomorrow

  34. Church Rise Up!

  35. Philly Police Officer Shoots, Kills Attacker

  36. Caption Contest Winners

  37. Olympics in London

  38. Expert Warns- 100% Certainty of Total Catastrophic Failure of the Entire Power Infrastructure Within 3 Years (Video)-John Malcolm

  39. Romney’s media coverage more positive than Obama’s, study finds

  40. Small thinkers

  41. Occupy Unmasked

  42. Occupy and the seemliness of capitalism

  43. 2007- Harry Reid and Dick Lugar agree, the Iraq surge is not working

  44. The age old question

  45. Van Jones- We have to re-elect Obama to ‘stop the #teaparty’

  46. Michelle Obama’s $1,591,200 White House Staff of (22) TWENTY-TWO!   icon_rant 

  47. Charles Krauthammer On The Fairness Doctrine

  48. Does Twitter Want America To Fail-

  49. Medical Freedom, Lyme Disease, and Obamacare

  50. More recall elections to come  laughsmiley

  51. It’s what’s for dinner

  52. On Capitol Hill, they know a dilettante when they see one

  53. The curly fry light bulb is a nice touch

  54. Maybe it's because... he isn't guilty

  55. Church of Chicken Little loses high priest

  56. This is a man who is a medal of valor winner

  57. The thug culture comes alive on Twitter and threatens George Zimmerman's life

  58. Shedding some much needed light on the alleged Vatican smackdown of US nuns

  59. Where The Oprah Went Wrong

  60. NAGS Need Cash, Plan Hush Rush Confab 

  61. It Figures… Green Activists Completely Trash Park on Earth Day 

  62. Democrat Actor Jon Lovitz Goes Off on “Jacka$$” & “F--king A$$hole” Obama (Video)

  63. Another Victim Of The Race Baiters

  64. We Are NOT Amused!

  65. Heaven….We Have A Problem!

  66. First Grifter- “There’s always going to be haters out there. . . . Stay away from the haters, ok

  67. U.S. Catholic Bishops Call For “Aggressive Attack” On Obama, Plan For Two Weeks of Protests…

  68. The Dominance of the Godless American Woman and the Fall of America

  69. Mia B. Love under the radar no more

  70. Chicago public school trains students in nonviolent protest action

  71. SB 1070 oral argument at Supreme Court Wednesday

  72. Arizona Senate Votes To De-Fund Planned Parenthood