Its Time For Another Mount Carmel Confrontation By Gene
We are there again.
Three years of very difficult times. Economic drought. Government unable to do anything about it. Persecution. Corruption. False Religion. Worship of BAAL (prosperity) along with a nominal worship of the Living God.
The priests of BAAL have once again erected an altar on a high place. It's an abomination. It's dependence on other than the Living God. It's a false religion. Some is Government. Some is business. Some is simply people's willingness to be duped.
This has placed even serious Christians in a time of drought. They are starving, spiritually and physically.
Today, modern Elijahs are once again saying, it can rain again. We don't have to live like this.
The modern priests of BAAL will not go peaceably. The modern Jezebels and Ahabs are unwilling to be displaced without a struggle.
They have used lies and deception too long in order to remain on the throne of your life.
It's time for a confrontation that will result in the destruction of the Altars, in the consumption of our offering and in the elimination of all the priests.
Don't expect to be welcomed. They will say to you, "Is that YOU you troubler of Israel?" Israel in this case is the local church in which the BAAL altar is high. They will not be happy to see you.