Independent panel judges charge Bible appeases Muslims
Top Obama donor's company under investigation
The Thought Police Arrive in Sacramento
Iowa woman who publicly thanked Obama for insurance is actually getting insurance from a 1987 Republican program
Inspector General for TARP- Taxpayers will actually lose $60 billion
Arab Spring Update- Egyptian Islamists Propose law allowing husbands to have sex with dead wives
Exclusive- Kagan's Handwritten Notes to Bell on Critical Race Theory
WHITE HOUSE INSIDER NEWS – New Information Confirms Bin Laden Report From 2011
Traitor in the White House
Maori ‘warrior of the week’-
Parents, not states, had duty to educate children, Vatican reminds UN
Trial of Anders Behring Breivik, day eight, yesterday
Massive Moscow protest
Despite Sandra Fluke’s Plea Before Congress – Georgetown Will Not Pay For $9 a Month
PLUNGE- US GDP Drops in First Quarter to 2.2%
Black Secret Service Woman Paula Reid Exposed Colombia Hooker Scandal
Conservative Rock Star Mia Love Slams Dem Rep. Jim Matheson at Utah GOP Convention
Milwaukee Red Cross Told to Prepare For Chicago Evacuation During NATO Summit – Fears Of Leftist Violence (Video)
Attacker Tells Cops He Mugged & Robbed “White Boy” Because He Was Angry Over Trayvon Martin Case
Green Activists Boot Jesse Watters From Festival After He Confronts Commie Van Jones
HORROR!… Assad’s Forces Bury a Man Alive For Filming Regime Violence (Video)
Legislation needed to stop coercive “conversion therapy”-
Free Stuff
Daily Read – April 27
Liberalism IS A Mental Disorder
Lessons Learned, or Reiterated
Farewell My Love, Let’s Have Sex!
Sandra Fluke Accuses Fox News’ Monica Crowley of “Hate Speech” After Tweeting Joke About Her Engagement
Swing State Dems Angry At Obamas Over Lavish Taxpayer-Funded Vacations…
Episode: It’s NOT Your Grandma’s Tea Party Anymore!
3 Religion Of Peace Members Arrested On Terror Charges In Denmark
HaHa! “I felt horrible. I felt like my most precious values were just thrown in the gutter”
Michelle Obama- “It is hard to sneak around and do what you want,”
Shake out the Darkness!
Weekend Caption Contest
Let’s Jettison The TSA
At Least Their Livers Will Be Clean
Sanctity of Life
An In-depth Analysis of Lieberman's Cybersecurity Bill 2011- Giving Birth to Big Brother
Can the Florida Senate race be salvaged-
Should be banned within 50 feet of schools