GOP in fight over rock pastor's message
Civil unrest- Liberals most at risk
Obvious- Obama's Energy Secretary admits they are 'strict' and denying more drilling permits (video)
Does Comedy Coward Kimmel Know Obama Ate a Dog-
Issa- Obama Admin 'Most Corrupt Government In History'
Romney Cash Now Pouring In…(WSI and WHI Related)
Time Out
WTF- Of The Day
Hypocrite Of The Day
Anders Behring Breivik trial, day seven
Where is the tolerance-
Victim’s Sister Claims Brutal Mobile Beating Was Sparked by Neighborhood Theft
Mississippi Governor Phil Bryant- “Democrats Have One Mission in Life- to Abort Children”
Michelle Obama Hails Anti-Catholic HHS Mandate- “We Made History!”
Great irony of 2012 campaign for GOP nomination-The “anti-establishment” candidates were D.C. Beltway residents
Obama campaign spokesman makes Romney’s point
Did W ever attack his media critics by name--
Daily Read – April 26
Found On Facebook
Arrest Made!
Senate Candidate Zach Poskevich In The Area
Muslim Persecution of Christians- March, 2012
Obama’s Interior Secretary- We’re Being “More Strict On Denying Drilling Permits”…
Obama Lawyer- Arizona Law Will Result In “Mass Incarcerations,” Causing “Significant Foreign Relation Problems”…
What will the world look like in 100 years-
Victoria Boyson- A Glimpse of Heaven
The Taliban, Superman Underwear & Comics...plus... Mars Needs Cats-
Elections Canada targeted voters by race
Ignorant Men Confounded
More Hypocrisy From An Obama Czar
Humpday History Highlight
EPA Official on Non-Compliant Companies- ‘Hit Them as Hard as You Can’ & ‘Make Examples Out of Them’ Cites Crucifixion
Longing For A Visit…
Michael Savage- Trickle Down Tyranny
Supreme Court eats SG Verrilli for lunch
Why Israel fights
“Young Guns Support Elderly RINO” Dick Lugar (Update- Mourdock up by 5 in new poll)
Thank you, Newt
The House fell on her head
Where are they now-
It’s Time for the Tea Party Movement to End
Traitors- American Professors Go to Tehran to Help Mad Mullahs
Hasta la vista
So that’s the secret
For the second time in her adult lifetime
Obama administration official- Crucify oil and gas companies
Left Beside Itself Over Obama Regime's Performance at the Supreme Court
BREAKING- Top Obama DOJ Official RESIGNING Over Fast and Furious-
TSA Agent Claims Assault After TX Lawmaker Slaps Him During Airport Groping
Dem Rep. Fattah Says Unemployed Will Vote For Obama to Keep Their Benefits (Video)
Boehner to Obama- Reimburse Treasury For Campaigning On Taxpayers Dime…
SEC Investigating Possible Bribery In Deal Joe Biden And Top Hollywood Obama Bundler Made With Chinese Government
Allen West: “President Obama seems determined to punish and wipe out economic success in this country, leveling tax weapons of mass destruction on all taxpayers”
Did the earth move for you too Sweetheart- Or is that just rigamortis setting in-
Don’t stand your middle ground
Yet Another Reason Why Today’s Unions Suck- Dues Devour Wage Increases
Why Doesn’t Marcy Kaptur Respect Veterans-