You Are Left Or You Are Left Behind- Lessons In Multicultural Cruelty By John Kenneth Press
Dear Conservative Friends,
Below I have reprinted one of the most painful letters I have ever received. Sandra and I (as all names herein, this is a pseudonym) were the only two people in our doctoral program cohort for three and a half years. As a team of two, we took the same courses and endured the same abuse from the same professors. We would eagerly share gossip and insights after every class and commiserate after every intellectual and emotional hurdle. Through our frequent meals and shared struggles we became very close. In the letter below, Sandra tells me that her "integrity as a global citizen" demands that she no longer communicate with me.
After reading the letter below, imagine Sandra's openness on a hiring committee! The domination of academia's multicultural dogma means that Americans cannot discuss Islam, immigration, or many other vital topics without being called "racist." I have tried in vain to explain that sustaining the West provides the greatest hope for women, LGBT folk, and freedom of conscience; after the West falls, Western "human rights" values will not predominate. Protecting the West is progressive. This chilling letter shows the extent to which multiculturalism is a cult and not system of beliefs open to debate.
You should learn from my mistakes. I stepped down as the head of the Brooklyn Tea Party when two of my oldest friends threatened to never speak to me again if I continued to advocate "culturism" as an alternative to multiculturalism. Even after I stepped down, one of them immediately disowned me. Another has remained friends, but we no longer discuss politics. I had suspected that Sandra would not speak with me due to political disagreements. As the letter conveys, I greatly overestimated the extent to which people's hearts can override indoctrination.
Revenge partially motivates my reprinting of this letter. I am bitter at what multicultural dogma has done to my nation and to my friendships. I hope that in years to come, Sandra will look up this letter and see what a horrid "humanitarian" she was, call me, and apologize. But I also hope that somehow a liberal will read it and realize how personally cruel liberal dogmatism has made him or her. Then perhaps we might begin to restore some tolerance for a diversity of opinions. Our nation, our hearts, and some friendships might get rescued in the process.