Sunday, April 29, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (4-28-2012)



  1. Obama plays Osama card

  2. Obama's new slogan- Watch my back!

  3. Barack Obama 'Making History' Again

  4. Bully Obamas use school rooms and campuses for their messages

  5. Are Speculators to Blame-

  6. Obama lifts freeze on $192 million aid package to Palestinian Authority

  7. Strassel: The President Has a List

  8. Why The high approval rating for President Obama-

  9. Barack Obama’s REAL Views On Religion Captured On Video – Government is Greater than God

  10. Obama's Fascinating Interview with Cathleen Falsani

  11. OBAMA DECLARES WAR ON CHRISTIANS… Says Not Supporting FREE Birth Control Is Like “Being In A Time Machine”

  12. The Head Weasel

  13. Obama Describes GOP Pro-Life Position to All-Female Audience at His 125th Fundraiser- “It’s appalling. It’s Offensive. It’s Out Of Touch”

  14. Shameless- Obama Quotes Republican House Members Completely Out of Context…

  15. Obama Goes On Collectivist Rant During Speech To Troops…

  16. Obama is Boring me and Peggy

  17. I would have linked to and given credit to Kim Strassel of the WSJ but they won't let me

  18. Making Obama Macho- Campaign Touts Killing of Bin Laden

  19. Obama got Osama, but lost the Middle East

  20. “Birth Certificate” a Distraction leading to an Undoing

  21. The Bin Laden Raid- Obama Once Again Taking Credit

  22. King Barack the Unready

  23. Does Obama Still Think “Out of Touch” Talking Point Will Work For Him-

  24. Barack Obama Tries to Smear MO Rep. Todd Akin – FAILS

  25. Obama embraces Islam

  26. Obama- HHS Mandate Prevents “Government Meddling” In Health Care…

  27. Obama’s “Truth Team” Touts Speech Where He Called Pro-Life Views “Appalling And Offensive”…

