Thursday, April 26, 2012

Hauling Hollywood’s Pretend World Out Of The White House By Judi McLeod


Hauling Hollywood’s Pretend World out of the White House by Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press




It’s time to kick out-of-work Hollywood clear out of the White House.


With all of their money and living with the bruised egos and boredom that comes from being too long out of work, some Hollywood stars are spending their off time making a mockery of the White House.


The in-love-with-the-sound-of-his-own-voice Tom Hanks, who turned up as the narrator in the recent Obama campaign film, “The Road We’ve Travelled” tries to portray Obama’s presidency in 17-minutes, a quest where Hanks bombs out just as he did in his protagonist role as Robert Langdon, professor of religious iconography and symbology for Harvard University in the failed sequel to Da Vince Code.


Although Barry Soetoro Obama has only been in the White House for four years, on most days it seems like he’s been there forever.


Life may be made to appear easy as a walk in the park in the pretend world of the silver screen, but in the reality of everyday life it’s losing the roof over your head and not being able to find another job to pay the rent.

Hanks, who has been licking his mammoth wounded ego ever since Da Vinci Code sequel days, should give up trying to find fame through hanging with Obama.


Tommy Da Vinci ain’t the only one trying to force life on the silver screen into the real one.

The next time Johnny Depp, who dressed like the Mad Hatter in the secret, 2009 Alice in Wonderland themed Halloween Party thrown by Barack and Michelle Obama, steps out on Trick or Treat night, he should remember that countless parents can no longer afford costumes for their little gaffers. 


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