If Mormonism Is Fair Game, so Is Jeremiah Wright
School district reverses ban on religious fliers
Obama deemed 'clear, present danger'
Freedom of speech for me, not thee
Tea Party Battles GOP Establishment in Texas Senate Race
Good News- House Republicans to Hold Contempt of Congress Vote on Holder's Obstruction of Fast and Furious Investigation
Obvious- Charlie Cook calls Obama a Metrosexual
New Media Victory- Obama Backs Off Farm Chores Regulation
Its On- Palin Backs Mourdock over Lugar in Indiana Senate Race
Issa Ready to File Contempt of Congress Against Eric Holder
Work-Related Of The Day
May 1- When The Answer For ‘Y’ Is ‘Me’
Tweet Of The Day
Narcissist Of The Day
Steyn on Democrat attacks on Romney’s Mormonism-
‘US mad cow euthanised’
Advance Australia Fair…
It’s a mystery, it is. /sarc
US mad cow euthanised
The Girl Who Played With Fire
Poly bigots
British Troops Discover Bomb-Making Mosque – Seize 250 Kg of Explosives
Beautiful! John Boehner Smacks Down Democrats on Phony “War on Women” Hysteria (Video)
Why do Democrats dishonestly demagogue Republican policies-
Conservative blogress- no Arab spring for gays
To Put It Bluntly…
Yep….Just Like The Tea Party
Daily Read – April 28
Warrior 100K Ride- George W. Honors Those Who Served
Top Obama Campaign Bundler Awarded With Ambassadorship To The Netherlands…
Leading Bible Translator Changes Language To Avoid Offending Muslims…
EPA Chief Lisa Jackson- No Need For Official Who Made “Crucify” Remarks To Resign…
House GOP To Hold Eric Holder In Contempt Of Congress Over “Fast And Furious”…
The I-Word??? Are You Kidding
Confession of an Addict – ME
A call on their life deeper than their intellect
John Mark and Sandy Pool- I Am the Only Way, Truth & Life
On confusion regarding the difference between judging and discerning-- Shirley Carter
Keep Khadr out of Canada — petition
Mark Steyn- Cuisines from My Stepfather
The New Politics of Hostage Taking- Actually, Republicans Are Not the Problem
War promised if IRS Attacks Church Speech
Diversity training doesn't extinguish prejudice. It promotes it
Unexpected Manifestations of the Spirit
“Jesus Was a Commie” Says Movie Director Matthew Modine
Vice President Joe Biden Clueless on Foreign Policy Realities
The VP Loves Barack Obama’s Big Stick
Dear Idiots- Stop Using Facebook
Los Angeles- It’s For The Birds
An In-depth Analysis of Lieberman's Cybersecurity Bill 2011- Giving Birth to Big Brother
Bill Whittle- An Excellent Education Is Possible, Just Not In American Schools
The republican Mother
Saturday Night Card Game (What race is an illegal alien-)
It was a gutsy call, but he went for it and made it
Mia B. Love- “We’re not about singling Americans out”
Tell the Young Guns to stop aiming at Mourdock
I believe, I believe
Pro-Lugar SuperPAC pulls out of race
Newt a “RINO among Rhinos”-
Elizabeth Warren is what-
Friday Fume
Did Elizabeth Warren Exploit Native Americans For Her Own Gain?
Desperate to reelect Empty Suit, Democrats pull out the weapon of last resort
Oh, so it is the I-word now-
Detroit Tigers Player Delmon Young Goes On Drunken, Jew-Bashing Rampage Outside Man
Resister Updates- One Step Forward Three Steps Back
Bordeaux & Bo
There you go again
How strong is the case against the HHS mandate-
100 Injured, 1 Dead After High Winds and Storms Demolish Tent in St. Louis After Card Games (Video)
College Loans and Who Should Pay For Them
I am against people being bullied. I was. BUT,
Let's Stop Calling Them Honour Crimes and Call Them What They Really Are- Ownership Crimes
Reader Appreciation Night