Saturday, April 14, 2012

Obama Reaps What He Sows By Bradlee Dean


Obama reaps what he sows by Bradlee Dean over at World Net Daily


This week Obama’s ex-political mentor, Alice Palmer, an avowed communist, is returning to haunt him for his unlawful activities during his political career. This proves the famous, unchangeable law of sowing and reaping – his actions are blowing up in his face. Let me explain.


There is a true story told of two men who thought it would be OK to break the law and go duck hunting two weeks before the season opened. They took with them a retriever, a brand new truck, decoys, plenty of ammunition and a couple sticks of dynamite. When they first arrived at the lake they noticed a big problem: The lake they chose was frozen over.


One of them had a great idea. He would go to his truck, get a stick of dynamite, blow a big hole in the middle of the lake, throw down the decoys and then have a heyday shooting all the little duckies. So he did just that. He went to his truck, pulled out the stick of dynamite, lit the fuse and then threw it right smack in the center of the lake.


However, he forgot one thing; his retriever was there. As faithful as he was, he ran after the stick of dynamite, put it in his mouth and then ran toward his owner. The owner, in fear of being blown up, grabbed his rifle and began shooting at the retriever in hopes he would not come back to him. The retriever was scared away and ran right under the brand new truck.


Guess what blew up? You got it – the retriever and the brand new truck. His breaking of the law was the very thing that nipped him right in the butt. The things that blew up were the very evidence of his guilt.



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