Vetting Obama, again-
The next was about Obama raising campaign cash from foreign Palestinian Islamic sources
Damage already done- Too late for Obama to distance himself from Rosen
The Bad Faith President
Major Obama Crony-Contributor company to count and manage 2012 US Vote results-
56% think Obama was trying to intimidate the Supreme Court
Divide and Conquer – The Life and Slimes of the Lying King!
Obama uses kids to tax shelter $48,000
In Interview, Obama Pressed On Taking So Many Vacations While Americans Suffer
Obama REALLY hates those darned tax shelters he makes full use of!
This 2012 Obama is strident and mean, even deceitful, divisive
Obama Jabs Reagan- “We’ve Tried This Trickle-Down Experiment Before, It Does Not Work”…
New Pic Of Obama In High School…
Power Grab Of The Day
Narcissist Of The Day
Obama’s narcissism is getting a little out of bounds