Jesus Hung On Cross With ‘Faggot’ Above His Head According To Huffington Post Writer By Giacomo
The general theme of all liberal peoples and groups is to change and rewrite history in order to justify their sinful lifestyles. Atheists and secularists have been doing this with American history for the past several decades and now homosexuals are following in their footsteps.
For example, I wrote about Dr Susannah Cornwall, a professor at the Lincoln Theological Institute in Manchester, England who believes that Jesus was a hermaphrodite. Cornwall is a very active feminists who sees everything in the world around her as being female.
Then there is also the case where a Muslim professor is teaching that Moses was a Muslim and not a Jew and that it was the Muslims that he led out of Egypt and into the Promised Land. He also rewrites history to say that this was the first establishment of Palestine.
Now, Kittredge Cherry, a very outspoken lesbian who writes for the Huffington Post’s Gay Voices section is claiming that Jesus was a homosexual in her article Queer Christ Arises to Liberate and Heal that appeared just prior to Easter. Along with the article was a depiction of Jesus on the cross with a sign reading ‘faggot’ above his head instead of ‘Jesus the Nazarene, King of the Jews’ as described in John 19:20.
Among her lesbian ramblings, she states,
“Nobody knows for sure whether the historical Jesus was attracted to other men or felt like he was female inside. Some progressive Bible scholars do argue that Jesus had a homosexual relationship.”
At least in one section, she actually hits the nail on the head when she says that others attack her ideas as blasphemy,