Saturday, April 14, 2012

Race-Baiting In The Era Of Obama By Lauri B. Regan


Race-Baiting in the Era of Obama by Lauri B. Regan over at American Thinker


On my train ride to work this week, a black man sat near me. He was listening to his music loud enough for anyone in the vicinity to hear. As I pointed out to him that he dropped his ticket, I asked him if he would please turn his volume down since I was trying to work. He refused, told me to move, and actually turned his music up. As the conductor came by, I asked for assistance. The music man started screaming irrationally that he had all sorts of rights, and then came the kicker. "You're complaining because I'm black." When the conductor walked away, the volume of the music went back up -- with a leer telling me to shut up, or else.


Alas, racial tension in this country is not new. What is new is having a president who, for political gain and selfish ideological reasons, is instigating a racial divide that has not been seen for decades. In order to ignite a passion in his base, Obama is intentionally taking this country back to the Civil Rights Era, when violence in the streets was commonplace. But a black person in America in 2012 has every civil right that a white person has -- and then some. Affirmative action has led to black people actually having an easier time accessing certain schools, jobs, and positions of higher authority. (The exception to this seems to be if you want to work on Obama's re-election campaign.)


In the aftermath of the Trayvon Martin shooting, this country is facing a shocking eruption of black hatred of white America. While we expect the likes of Al Sharpton to crawl out from under their rock and ramp up the hateful rhetoric whenever a race-baiting opportunity arises, we do not expect the attorney general to publicly praise Sharpton "for your partnership, your friendship, and your tireless efforts to speak out for the voiceless, to stand up for the powerless, and to shine a light on the problems we must solve, and the promises we must fulfill." In a healthy society, in which the president does not carry racial biases that impact his judgment and ability to function effectively, Obama would denounce Sharpton for the agitator that he is. Obama would take to the teleprompter and condemn all calls to violence, asking for rational minds to prevail.


But we are not a healthy society any longer, for our leaders revel in resentment, and our citizens are divided. We are divided because we have a president who is angry and hostile, juvenile and racist, ideological, narcissistic, and power-hungry. He would rather call police officers stupid when they arrest a black friend than call for civility and calm in the face of public servants doing their job regarding Trayvon Martin's death. The community organizer-in-chief knows well how to stoke racial tension, class warfare, and violence if they will lead to an extension of his power and the transformation of the beacon on the hill for all who strive to succeed in the land of opportunity.


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