Saturday, February 11, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 10, 2012


  1. Wake Up, America! Your Freedom is Under Assault Each and Every Day

  2. Watchdog Group Obtains FOIA Documents Revealing DHS Monitoring Political Dissent Online…

  3. The Great Election Undercurrent

  4. On the Church, the Military, and the Descent into Tyranny

  5. Man who attempted to glitter bomb Mitt Romney worked for Senate Democrats

  6. President Obama- “The Work I’ve Done With LGBT Community, I Think, Is Just Profoundly American”

  7. Spencer Bachus faces insider-trading investigation

  8. Pelosi might have skirted House ethics rules on campaign solicitations

  9. ‘Occupy Unmasked’

  10. Obama Admin May Have Leaked Classified bin Laden Info to Hollywood Director

  11. Agenda 21 Is Repackaged Socialism, Unsustainable Development

  12. Sens. Ayotte and Shaheen- A Contrast in Honesty and Leadership on Religious Liberty

  13. ObamaCare Architect- Catholic Institutions Should Provide Birth Control as ‘Moral Imperative’ to Stop Population Growth

  14. The Occupy Chronicles 2012

  15. The real barbarians and wreckers are already inside the gates

  16. Kim Dotcom

  17. Question of the day- The unanswerable question

  18. Evil

  19. Crumble: Democrats Abandoning Obama on Unconstitutional Birth Control Mandate

  20. Romney Deck-Stacking At CPAC-

  21. A prophet sacrificed to appease the mob

  22. Speaking Of The Death Penalty- Section 13's Execution Day Draws Nearer

  23. Protected from the Unexpected

  24. Is there such a thing as masculine and feminine virtues-

  25. Daily Read – February 10 

  26. The Classless Left

  27. Dinner With The Obamas

  28. Traffic Accident – 4 Little Old Ladies Hit by One Jerk- Witness Narrates Video

  29. Watcher of Weasels Council – The Gipper’s Edition

  30. Watching a Sonogram Before Getting an Abortion is ‘Totalitarianism’

  31. California- What’s The Point-

  32. You Can Take The Whore Out Of Prison

  33. Beck’s Blaze Doubles Down On Palin Smear, Writer Scrubs ‘Whore’ Tweet

  34. No MSM, Santorum Is Not A Racist

  35. The ObamaCare Mandate Against Freedom of Conscience

  36. 21st Century Radical Secularism Meets Jefferson Meets Scalia (Part I)

  37. Sen. Rand Paul Introducing Amendment to Suspend Foreign Aid to Egypt

  38. Blaming the victim

  39. Why is the Obama administration leaking this information-

  40. Friday Fume

  41. One way to lower the armed forces. Starve them to death

  42. The Parasite class

  43. Look! Up in the sky!

  44. The Other Victims of the Abortion Industry

  45. China Probes Police Official After Obama Administration Rejected Asylum Request

  46. Sheila Jackson Lee steered more than $5 million to husband’s employer

  47. Mark Levin Slams Obama on Hannity (Video)

  48. Now is the winter of conservative discontent

  49. Obama’s strongest supporters suffer most from his policies

  50. Obama hoping voters reward political cowardice-

  51. No, White House Not Compromising On Birth Control Mandate

  52. Tacky…

  53. Jim DeMint- Term Limits Solves Our Problems- DeMint Retires in 2016- Stop Debating

  54. Rick Perry CPAC 2012 Speech Video

  55. Rick Santorum- CPAC 2012 Speech Video

  56. Weekend Caption Contest

  57. Bachus May Not Be Alone in Ethics Probe

  58. Gateway Pundit & HotAir Win Top Tea Party Blogger Awards at CPAC12

  59. Occupy Protester Bashes Obama On Iranian State TV… 

  60. Fast & Furious- the targeted cartel heads were our informants

  61. Interview with Col. E.J. Otero, Congressional Candidate for Florida’s 11th District

  62. Humbly yours

  63. Even a stopped clock

  64. Cartoon Round Up

  65. Texas School Teaches Kindergarteners Cult-Like Obama Song For Black History Month- “He’s Our Man, Yes, We Can”…

  66. Tingles On Obama’s Contraception Mandate- Even Liberal Catholics Will Stand With The Church On The Church On This

  67. Swiped From D.J

  68. How is somebody severely Conservative?: Romney trots out strange label for himself at CPAC

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