Saturday, February 11, 2012

Meatheads Of The Day (2-10-2012)


1)  Where does Representative Sheila Jackson Lee get her information? It wasn’t from creditable source because she would know the Republicans are for Religious faith. Well-of course-she also makes the bizarre claim that this is the only time in history the opposing party wanted to defeat the sitting President in an election.  i-dont-know


  1. Dem Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee- “Republicans Want To Take Away The Essence Of All Religious Faith”…

  2. Undermining Faith

2)  The Catholic church goes out of its way to be non-political and Nancy Pelosi claiming they’re looking for an excuse. This woman needs to buy some clues. She really doesn’t get it.  fiery4


  1. Pelosi- People Are Using Religious Freedom As An “Excuse” To Oppose Obama’s Contraception Mandate…

  2. Undermining Faith

3)  Representative Gwendolynne Moore said pregnancy is a disease. This woman really needs to take a couple of science classes  because she doesn’t know anything about diseases. It makes mad that liberals say stupid stuff and lie like this.  fiery4


  1. Democrat Congresswoman Gwendolynne Moore- Pregnancy is a Disease

4)  Here are some of the Democrat Representatives with Gwendolynne Moore. They speak down to people who voted them. They have no respect voter especially the church goers who too vote. It makes them look stupid, shallow, and no darn conscious.  Their also meatheads.  fiery4



5) How in the world did Senator Harry Reid become head of the Senate. The man doesn’t even talk smart.  fiery4


  1. On Contraception, Reid Says Talk of First Amendment, Constitution, ‘So Senseless’

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