Sunday, February 12, 2012

My Fingers Were Crossed


My Fingers Were Crossed by Jim Reed over at Canada Free Press

Our parents believed a halo adorned my brother Brad’s head, and horns protruded from mine. No story had two sides: I was always wrong … which was the case when we fought the Mexican standoff.


For his birthday, Mama gave Brad a pirate outfit, complete with feather-festooned hat, Jolly Roger eye patch, and a long, curving scimitar. Brad jabbed and slashed at me until I could take no more.


“If I had a sword, I’d slice you to slivers,” I said.


“Ho-ho-ho,” he roared lustily, parroting a pirate. “A duel it is ya want, shrimp,” and tossing me a candy doubloon, sneered, “Buy yourself a sword, laddybuck, and prepare to meet the Grim Reaper.” 


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