Sunday, February 12, 2012

Come, Let's Reason Together


Come, let's reason together by BroKen over at Brutally Honest

I remember a scene from the old sitcom, All in the Family, where Archie Bunker is telling his family about a friend named, Moose. Moose is big and strong as an ox. Archie respects him greatly because Moose is not only strong but also smart and a great debater. For example, Archie describes how Moose got into a verbal exchange with a guy while leaving the bowling alley. They went at it all across the parking lot until the other guy got to his car. Standing behind his car door, the guy made his final point. He thought he had Moose cornered. But no. In frustration Moose ripped the mirror off the car door.


I think about that from time to time as I enter into discussions with people... usually on the internet. For example, a few years ago I made what I considered a thoughtful, point-by-point rebuttal to an online rant about same sex marriage. In response, at least one commenter simply called me a hypocrite. I know, being called a hypocrite isn't exactly like having your car damaged, but it is the same kind of response. Rather than engage in debate, when they feel they are losing, people will leave reason aside and seek something they believe is more powerful.


They say in poker, “A Smith and Wesson beats five aces.” Sure. But the guy with the pistol as his hand has left the game of poker and become a thief. Likewise, the guy in a debate who stoops to name-calling, character assassination or, God forbid, violence, is no longer searching for truth. They are seeking power over their opponent. They want to win at all costs. 


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