Thursday, February 23, 2012

Indiana’s Creationism Bill


Indiana’s Creationism Bill by Giacomo over at Godfather Politics

The Indiana Senate approved a bill that would have allowed creationism to be taught alongside evolution in public school classrooms. It would have been taught as an alternative theory on the origins of life.


The creationism bill then was sent over to the state House for consideration. The House revised the bill to allow the teaching of origin theories from multiple religions including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Scientology.


As a result of the revision, House Speaker Brian Bosma decided to table the bill because he believed it would result in a costly legal battle. Additionally, Robert Behning, chairman of the House education committee, said that it would be quite difficult for most school districts to find teachers with the necessary knowledge of origin theories from all of the different religions.


Read more: Indiana’s Creationism Bill

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