Sunday, February 19, 2012

I Will Love You Threescore More


This is a lovely story and poem about a couple who has been married 60 years by William Kevin Stoos. If you a romantic like me, it is a great read.


I Will Love You Threescore More by William Kevin Stoos over at Canada Free Press

“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” Eph 5:25


Years ago, I wrote a column in William Loeb’s Manchester Union Leader. Although I would get some nice reader feedback now and then, I never really knew whether my column made any difference or whether anyone cared. But, as it often happens in life, now and then someone comes along who touches you in a very special way and makes it all worthwhile. John McVitty was a spirit-filled, elderly gentleman who was madly in love with Bessie—his wife of sixty years. He, more than any man I ever met, loved and adored his wife—whom he called affectionately, “Mommy.”


He wrote me one day to say that he was an avid reader and that it took him a year to work up the courage to write and ask me this favor: “Would you…could you,” he wrote, “write a love poem for my dear wife Bessie? I love her so much but I cannot find those words. She is not in the best of health and we are about to celebrate our 60th anniversary this year. Could you find it in your heart to write her a poem for me?” I was so touched by the eloquence of this man that I teared up a little when I read his note. 


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