Sunday, February 19, 2012

Revelation Manifested


One Year Later...the Revelation Manifested by Gene over at Gene-A Prophet


It was a cold winter night exactly one year ago tonight (the fifteenth actually). 79th and Ashland. Chicago. Crusaders Church. Apostle John Eckhardt was ministering prophetically (with another man). It was one of those precious prophetic flow nights. I needed a word...not from Apostle, from God. I was down, worried, troubled.


I had just been dealt a severe blow in my life. A customer had cheated me of nearly a hundred thousand dollars in payment due me. I am not a wealthy man. This was going to hurt. Not bankruptcy...but pain and difficulty. At my age and state of life this was going to change our lifestyle. I was fearful.


I was sitting in the building where I like to sit. Off to the right side of the platform, about ten rows back in the middle. As inconspicuous as a large older balding white man can be at Crusaders.

While the flow was going on, I was looking hard as the words were given to find something for myself. I was writing down what fit.


Suddenly I heard the Lord speak to me...clearly.

I won't try to explain how that happens, if you have had this happen, you will understand. If not, you will someday -- I hope. Not a booming voice, a rising sound in the Spirit coming from deep inside yet clearly from the outside of you. That's what is sounds like when God speaks. It is a voice of peace, joy, love, patience without condemnation but with light and revelation. The kind that drives saints to fall before Him prostrate in awe. He is constantly speaking to his people, audibly in the Spirit, we just aren't hearing Him. 


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