Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Harvard, Jew Haters, Motherhood And Israel


When I read this it me mad enough to think Harvard should go bankrupt. How dare they try to teach our children hate of Jews or have their school be used for hate. To me it doesn’t say much about the college. fiery4


Harvard, Jew haters, motherhood and Israel by Caroline Glick over at Canada Free Press

This morning I received an e-mail alert from CAMERA that my alma mater, Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government is hosting a two-day conference which essentially begins with the proposition that Israel has no right to exist. This isn’t surprising. After all, the Kennedy School is home to my old professor Steve Walt. No one there batted a lash when he co-published his updated version of the Protocols of the Elders of Zion with University of Chicago’s John Mearshimer.


Not only did Walt suffer no recrimination from his colleagues at Harvard when he first emerged a professional Jew basher. He suffered no recrimination when he used the controversy surrounding his book into a means of transforming himself into a celebrity Israel basher.


As I wrote in my recent column about mainstreaming Jew hatred, Walt and Mearshimer’s book has enabled anti-Semites to emerge from under the rocks where they had been hiding and proudly announce that it is reasonable to discriminate against the Jewish people and side either actively or passively with those like the Iranian regime and the Sunni jihadists from Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood who openly call for the annihilation of the Jewish state and the Jewish people. 


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  1. Harvard To Host Conference Promoting Israel’s Destruction…

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