Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Unemployment Rate- Grossly Distorted – How It’s Done


Unemployment Rate- Grossly Distorted – How It’s Done by Maggie over at Maggie’s Notebook

The unemployment rate we are fed each month is manipulated – fake, phony, false – not realistic, and the methods for determining the unemployment rate was new as of the January 2012 numbers. The real unemployment rate today is somewhere north of 10%. In January, when the unemployment rate dropped to 8.3%, the main stream media failed to report that the numbers, “seasonally adjusted,” for a one year period, were all applied to one month – January 2012.


The Economic Populist:See those huge three spikes in the above graph? That’s when the latest Census, taken every 10 years, has been incorporated into the data series. What happens is almost a do over, starting with the next year and you see a huge discontinuity in the data when the Census has been incorporated into the non-institutional population statistic. Believe me, we did not get a streaming horde of illegal aliens in one month, nor did everyone decide to give spontaneous birth. Those spikes simply represent the tacking on of population controls to reflect the latest Census. 


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