Thursday, April 12, 2012

When Are We Going To Hear Some Good News?


I mean good news like:

  1. Eric Holder impeached for his part in Operation Fast And Furious.

  2. Obama arrested for treason, caught scheming with Russians for American down fall.

  3. Brian Terry and Jaime Zapata finally get justice. All involved and indirectly in their murder were arrested and facing charges.

  4. California finally gets it right. They vote Pelosi and Boxer out.

  5. Al Sharpton arrested for causing a riot.

  6. Jesse Jackson falls on his knees and repents to Jesus of his bad deeds.

  7. Conservatives run Media Matters out of U.S. The crew of Media Matters in Cuba, kissing Castro’s feet.

  8. New York Times goes bankrupt, Washington Post follows in bankruptcy.

  9. Congress investigates NBC for media malpractice. NBC now shut down.

  10. New Black Panthers Party gets religion, walking the streets praising and preaching Jesus instead of doing riots.

  11. House Republicans finally gets backbone. They all together tell Pelosi to zip her lips or go home.

  12. Union leaders and members can now be arrested under The Rico Act for bullying behavior and illegal dealings.

  13. Spencer Bachus resigns for insider trading. More Representatives and Senators to follow him out the congressional door on the same charge.

  14. Senator Harry Reid has mental breakdown in front of all the Senators. The job got too much for him.

  15. An exorcist was called into The House of Representatives, someone (Maxine Waters)had complained of demons running wild in the House.

This is the kind of news I would like to see. Well, I can dream, can’t I?


The humor can stay because we could all use a good laugh here and there. Politics can get depressing at times.

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