Friday, April 13, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On April 12, 2012


  1. Congress flooded with calls to probe Obama

  2. Holder- Voter fraud 'does not really exist'  d'oh

  3. Birmingham News Drops the Ball on Black-on-white Crime 

  4. NASA Rocked By Climate Rebellion

  5. Police to White Victim- We “Don’t Mess” with Black Gang

  6. New Black Panther Chief of Staff- Let me tell you, the things that's about to happen, to these hokey’s, these crackers, these pigs, these pink people”

  7. Shameful IRS Harassment of Tea Party

  8. Another TSA agent busted for kiddie porn

  9. 50 NASA Employees- Man-Made Global Warming Does Not Fly

  10. Obama Prof Flunks Criminal Law at Sharpton Hate Convention

  11. Debbie Wasserman Schultz Backs Out of Islamist Event After Blowback

  12. Assad Regime Using Women and Children as Human Shields  fiery4

  13. Ann Romney Wins First Battle Against Obama Campaign

  14. Typo Of The Day

  15. Bonehead Of The Day

  16. The “diversity dividend” in action-

  17. It’s the Queensland Way-

  18. Col. B. Bunny-

  19. The Intimidation of Bigotry

  20. RACE WAR! Democrat La Raza President- Blacks, Hispanics Should Team Up ‘To Attack Common Enemy’ (Video)

  21. Zimmerman Attorney Mark O’Mara- George Cannot Get a Fair Trial in Central Florida Today (Video)

  22. Slow Blogging–Romney Becomes Presumptive GOP Nominee

  23. Why 2012 won’t be a repeat of 1964

  24. Seriously- sm-Dance2

  25. Daily Read – April 12

  26. Why-  icon_rant

  27. Baltimore Black Animals Look Like Obamas Sons- Beat Strip Hump White Man Videos

  28. Pathetic Spin- DNC Claims Conservatives Are Attacking Rosen Because She’s a Lesbian Mother…  icon_rant

  29. Inevitable- Hilary Rosen Apologizes To Ann Romney…

  30. Michelle Obama Throws Hilary Rosen Under The Bus…

  31. Over 70 Congressional Democrats Sign Soros-Funded J Street Letter Urging Israel To Bow To Palestinian Demands icon_rant

  32. Trayvon Martin Mom On Zimmerman Shooting- “I Believe It Was An Accident”…

  33. The Language of Liberalism: Part 1

  34. The Language of Liberalism: Part 2 – Workers

  35. Only In Canada- Drug Users Sue BC Human Rights Tribunal, City of Vancouver

  36. Poor UBC Is So Ronery! They're Under Attack From Evil Right Wing Blogger Blazingcatfur!

  37. Words of Grace

  38. Where’s the Arrest Warrant for the Black Panthers’ Leaders-

  39. The Justified Season 3 Finale

  40. Yeah, About That “War On Women”

  41. Brotherly Love Is Alive And Well

  42. My office assistant

  43. People are not labels

  44. Ann Romney

  45. Should you eat that bacon- snicker

  46. Needed- A Marxist-Style Analysis to Understand and Combat the Extreme Left’s Hegemony

  47. @hilaryr Tweets of the Day  snicker

  48. David Cicilline (D-RI01) – Hey, so I lied to get elected

  49. Zimmerman bond hearing Live (Update- Aff’t of Probable Cause)

  50. Depends on the meaning of “the rights of women everywhere”

  51. DADDD knows best laughsmiley

  52. CNN liberal commentator- Ann Romney never worked a day in her life

  53. War on Women…Are Liberals REALLY This Stupid-

  54. Listen to The Steve Gill Show - Herman Cain says Col. Allen West Should be the VP Choice

  55. Obama’s Labor Secretary- “Government Services” Are The American Dream

  56. Video- #Scytl and - voting fraud in 2012 election-

  57. More on the Left’s war on Conservative women

  58. Free money! Come and get it!

  59. Hope! Change! Death panels!

  60. The breathtaking condescension!

  61. Hilary Rosen Apologizes to Ann Romney, Asks for Peace in Phony War

  62. A History Lesson – January 3, 2007

  63. My ‘Dead’ Music

  64. Dershowitz Rips Zimmerman Affidavit- “Irresponsible, Unethical” … “Everything Is Completely Cons

  65. Poll- Romney Leading Obama 46% To 44%…

  66. Fox News Poll- 56% Say Obama Tried To Intimidate Supreme Court On Health Care…

  67. Flashback- Hilary Rosen Slams Republicans For Attacks On Michelle Obama…

  68. Affidavit of Probable Cause destroys claim Zimmerman used racial epithet

  69. War on …

  70. Show this Graph to Every Voter

  71. Culture of Corruption- Former Missouri Democrat Governor Indicted for Illegal Donations

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