Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Unspoken Miracle Of Easter By Craig Andresen


The Unspoken Miracle of Easter by Craig Andresen over at The National Patriot



It is Passover.


It is Easter weekend.


As Christians, we know what happened that weekend and we know why we celebrate it. We have been told the story, “The Greatest Story Ever Told” for most of our lives. We know it.


Don’t we?


We know about the last supper.


We know about the Garden.


We know about Judas and the 30 pieces of silver.




We know of the trials and the freeing of Barabbas and the scourging and the washing of Pilot’s hands.


We know of the stations of the cross, the nails, the last words.


We know he was set in the tomb, the stone rolled to cover the opening and the Roman guards.


We know of Mary and the discovery, the words he spoke, Thomas having to touch his hands and feet.


We know the whole story. Don’t we?


What are we missing?


Maundy Thursday…Good Friday…Easter Sunday…. 


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