Sunday, April 8, 2012

Meet Dan Iagatta


Reblogged From SOS MassDan Iagatta is dying

Dan represents everything good about the good people of this state, and EVERYTHING that is wrong with it.


Where to start? God, I love that man. Everyone who knows or has met him does, so that’s not so unique. His perseverance, inspiration, integrity, and most important to him, his FAITH. “It just takes a seed. Do you know how small a mustard seed is? That’s all it takes.” he always says when trying to persuade someone to have or keep the faith. He can quote scriptures for any occasion, that is at his core, but he can teach you about everything from computers to the minute details of the human body, while at all times completely as versed in history, as current events, politics, and unfortunately the massive corruption of our courts. The latter more thoroughly detailed elsewhere, but suffice it to say his first hand experience and knowledge of that arena qualify him as both HERO and Poster Child for Court Abuse, and more. Concurrent to being an activist, and the inspiration to all, not just the down trodden or immobile, but to the hundreds of victims of court abuse AND RESTRAINING ORDERS, think VAWA!!!, that our state could ever let happen to Dan, and do to him what it did is a testament to how very broken our system is, and that it is more geared to serving abusers, than being the safety net all these feel good programs are predicated on. 


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