Saturday, April 14, 2012

Obama Drama Of The Day (4-13-2012)



  1. Gender warfare- 'Obama hypocrisy runs rampant' 

  2. Obama reaps what he sows

  3. Race-Baiting in the Era of Obama

  4. NOW President Fails to get the memo and defends Hilary Rosen's Ann Romney comment

  5. Obama Distances Self from Surrogate Attack

  6. Video- Obama Lays Groundwork for Rosen's Attack on Ann Romney

  7. Obama Reports 2011 Income of $789,000, Paid 20.5% Tax Rate While In The 35% Tax Bracket…

  8. NOW President Defends Hilary Rosen, Slams Ann Romney For Lacking “Life Experience” And “Imagination”…

  9. White House Scrubs Obama’s Missed Shots From Weekly Dear Leader Propaganda Video…

  10. Video- Obama Doesn’t Believe A Lot Of People Criticize First Family’s Non-Stop Vacationing, Defends It Anyway

  11. Bad News For Obama- Poll Finds Voters Trust Romney Over Obama On The Economy By 49%-39% Margin…

  12. Pride-LGBT Super PAC Campaigning for Obama

  13. The Gift That Keeps On Giving- NOW President Claims Stay At Home Moms Lack ‘Life Experiences’ And ‘Imagination’

  14. Obama Hammered for ‘Jetting Around,’ Taking Vacations While Americans Suffer

  15. This 2012 Obama is strident and mean, even deceitful, divisive

  16. St. Louis Reporter Confronts Obama About Jetting Around on Vacation and Intimidating the Supreme

  17. Everyone's Asking- Does Obama Pay a Lower Tax Rate Than His Secretary-

  18. Hmmm: Did Obama Pay Lower Tax Rate Than His Secretary? — UPDATE: White House Confirms She Pays Higher Rate…

  19. Obama Campaign- He Stood Up To His “Friend” Hilary Rosen…

  20. Report- Obama Personally Promised Solyndra CEO He Would Look Into Buying Solar Panels For Govern



Obama gets asked a tough question.


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