Saturday, April 14, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On April 13, 2012


  1. Joe Eszterhas to Mel Gibson- 'You hate Jews'

  2. 'Bully' makes case for homeschooling

  3. Romney tops Obama 46-44 in Fox poll

  4. Fail- North Korean long-range  rocket breaks apart after one minute of flight

  5. Dershowitz Slams Zimmerman Prosecutor

  6. Quote Of The Day

  7. Trivia Question Of The Day

  8. Email Of The Day

  9. Wars and rumors of Wars

  10. Good riddance to a disgusting piece of sh-t-

  11. Education- nothing but a Marxist indoctrination machine

  12. 1957 Ferrari 625 TRC Spyder

  13. Bureaulunacy-

  14. Botox and Manliness

  15. North Korea Fires Test Missile Into Ocean – White House Tweets a Water Fight

  16. Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz Says Zimmerman Arrest Affidavit Is “‘Irresponsible And Unethical’”

  17. Sarah Palin on Hilary Rosen’s Attacks on Ann Romney- “We Will Be Silent No More!” (Video)  sm-Dance2

  18. It Begins… Leftists Call Ann Romney a C-nt, B-tch, Wh-re for Being Stay-at-Home Mom

  19. U.N. To N.K.- Wagging Finger – “No No! Bad Kim Jong-un!”

  20. Ditto

  21. Daily Read – April 13

  22. Rick Joyner- Prophetic Bulletin- The Greatest Hope

  23. This lady makes Sheriff Joe

  24. London Police Chaplain & Louis Farrakhan Fan Munir El-Kassem Will Keep The Lid On Latest Suspect Honor Killing

  25. PR Messaging Fail- Muslim Pulls Gun On Paris Subway Passengers, Screams We are not all Mohamed Merah

  26. Islamists Victimize Shaima Alawadi A Second Time

  27. Muslims fear backlash after yesterday's beatings of Christian Women & Children

  28. Teenagers Arrested For Hacking Scotland Yards Anti-Terrorist Hotline

  29. Rewards are Inevitable

  30. Liberal War on Women is a Tactic to Control Our Lives and Make Us Wards of the State

  31. Weekend Caption Contest

  32. ChiComs Now Censoring ChiCans

  33. It’s Friday The 13th

  34. Four Weddings And No Funeral

  35. Lent- Anti-Virus Report

  36. Who are the supporters of big government

  37. (no)Flytilla

  38. Feigned outrage over feigned outrage

  39. Welcome Anne Sorock

  40. Can someone provide me with a link to Obama’s statement about the crime and murder spree in Chicago

  41. Sarah Palin’s response to the left’s “War On Women”

  42. University offering “Revolutionary Marxism” class

  43. WARNING VERY GRAPHIC- What General George Patton would be saying to US today-

  44. Cartoon Round Up  laughsmiley

  45. Nancy Reagan, Ann Romney, And The War on Women  sm-Dance2

  46. The People vs. George Zimmerman- How's It Going To End

  47. San Francisco Leftists Spent $205,075 To Dig Up A Bush

  48. Elena Kagan’s $20 Million Commitment To Destroying The Republic

  49. Man Jailed After Officers Discover 89 Bags Of Drugs Tied To His Penis  d'oh

  50. Jobless Claims Rose Last Week ‘Unexpectedly’

  51. Professor Shows Adult Film To Class

  52. Next time, Pete, just let them have the bird seed

  53. So many folks to blame, so little time…  snicker

  54. Well, things are happening, despite the day

  55. Go put some clothes on, you look naked

  56. The War on Women Blows Up on the Regime Like a North Korean Rocket

  57. Jack Welch Rips Obama

  58. If I Had a Daughter, She'd Look Like Ann Romney

  59. CEO Blasts Barack Obama – President Obama Would Make Nixon Proud

  60. Democrats Continue To Attack Stay At Home Moms

  61. Cover Up! NC Dem Party Official Harasses Staffer… Party Pays Him Off

  62. Newt- UN Should Adopt Treaty Giving Everyone on Earth Gun Rights

  63. Gross. TIME Crank Defends Hilary Rosen- Says “Hilary Was Right… Her Comments Were Accurate And Inoffensive”

  64. The Mob Is Back… #OccupySpring Goons Advertise for “Peaceful” Spring Offensive

  65. Book Review

  66. The Ever Classy Left

  67. But What If YOU Are WRONG-

  68. New Pics

  69. NJ Man Takes Down American Flag Bearing Obama’s Face After “Evil-Minded” Neighbors Complain…

  70. Democrat Eleanor Holmes Norton Praises Al Sharpton For “Making Social Justice a Reality”

  71. Mia B. Love competitive versus Jim Matheson in UT-04

  72. Canaries falling ill in Richard Lugar’s coal mine

  73. Black dirtbag loser bitch whines about being called on her racist, violent rant

  74. It’s that time again… 

  75. Neck Ties and Hair Dye in Indiana

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