Friday, February 10, 2012

We’re They Thinking


What Were They Thinking- by A.J. Cameron over at Canada Free Press

It appears the Lying King, Obama, and the HHS dominatrix, Kathleen Sebelius, have finally pushed the envelope on abortion and reproductive issues within ObamaCare beyond acceptable limits of their Left-leaning Catholic allies. It is fantastic that the Catholic Bishops are taking a moral stand against the reproductive agenda of the Lying King and the dominatrix, but this issue should never have gotten to this point. The allies find themselves in a very conflicted situation, a situation they helped to create. In their rush to ram through the social justice injustice agenda within ObamaCare, the Left-leaning Catholic allies allowed themselves to be deceived on the abortion issue by the master manipulator in the White House. The question is, with the documented track records of Obama and Sebelius, what were their Catholic allies thinking when they aligned themselves with these abortionistas?


For the record, I am a Roman Catholic, and I am a member of our parish Pro-Life Ministry. I am well aware that none of us is without sin, but some people actively engage in purposeful sin. Recent actions by the regime shine an ever-brighter light on a level of perdition heretofore not forced upon people of faith within this country.


Satan’s modus operandi is deceit, and he is sinisterly gifted in deceiving all of us. So, if Satan were focused upon deceiving us with his ego, why wouldn’t he start with those at the top of the Catholic Church? If he can use our President as his proxy to deceive even a few of those at the top of the Catholic Church into believing social justice is justice, and that social justice overrides the right to life, he has breached the core of the Catholic faith, and of Christianity. 


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