Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Van Zant Edition


I am going to pull a All American Blogger. On Saturdays, Duane Lester, who is the All American Blogger, post 5 music videos with article titles posted between the videos. I thought it would be cool to try it. I am using Van Zant.

  1. Reagan 101 by Phil Boehmke over at the America Thinker

  2. Iran claims bomb used to kill their nuclear scientist was made in the USA by Bluegrass Pundit over at Bluegrass Pundit

  3. PC by Ol’ Remus over at The Woodpile Report

  4. Weekend Link Love-  The Petebox Edition by Duane Lester over at All American Blogger

  5. A Total Copy & Paste by Ol’ Broad over at An Ol’ Broad Ramblings

  1. How Severely Should DUI Be Punished- by Da Taglaire over at Godfather Politics

  2. About That Super Bowl by Wyatt Earp over at Support Your Local Gunfighter

  3. And The Race Card Rises Again by William Teach over at Right Wing News

  4. ROMNEY IS GOP HOLDOUT ON PERSONHOOD PLEDGE by Jack Minor over at American Freedom

  5. Catholic Archbishop Tells U.S. Troops, Obamacare Regulation “A Blow To Freedom For Which You Have Seen Your Buddies Fall In Battle by Zip over at Weasel Zippers

  1. Obama Declares Jihad on the Catholic Church by Silverfiddle over at Western Hero

  2. “How many more men must die in support of a mission that is not succeeding-“ an Honest Lt. Colonel by Deuce over at The Elephant Bar

  3. Yeah, Black Bloc. That’s your problem by Jonn Lilyea over at This Ain’t Hell

  4. White House Insider-  Obama Complains – I Wanna Be Cool Again! by Ulsterman over at The Ulsterman Report

  5. Fork in the Road- Better Turn Right Video by Maggie over at Maggie’s Notebook

  1. A Wretch Like Me by Jimmy Reed over at Canada Free Press

  2. Quote Of The Day by Bob Parks over at Black & Right

  3. Who Castrated Ann Coulter- by David Catron over at The American Spectator

  4. Obama's failed promises- Nevada edition by CA Yankee over at California Yankee

  5. A Political Math Problem by Robert Stacy McCain over at The Other McCain

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