Saturday, February 4, 2012

Punching Bags No More


Virginia Goes Ron Paul- Confusion to the Enemy – Them and Us by Maggie over at Maggie’s Notebook


With only Mitt Romney and Ron Paul on the Virginia ballot, the plan to derail Romney is for you, there in Virginia, to cast your primary vote for Ron Paul, and deny Romney the electoral votes, but doing nothing for Ron Paul in the race to the nomination. The Conservative blogosphere is belching Romney-resistance.


The dawning of a third party…next time around, is on the horizon, with the naming of such a party being chatted. I favor The Conservative Party, which already has some presence as you can register as a Conservative in New York. But I digress. Not important at this moment. The point is, as Congressman Allen West said this week, Conservatives will no longer be punching bags for the establishment elite. Decades past time to stand on principle.


Dan Riehl is framing the argument: ”It’s insane for Conservatives to back Romney in the General Election.” Riehl will not vote for Romney.


My friend Reaganite Republican has a plan:

I’ll be quitting [the GOP] the day they coronate this scheming snake Romney. One hard-to-swallow strategy at that point would be to simply ignore the presidential contest this fall and fully concentrate on obtaining powerful congressional majorities to control and contain Obama (since Mittens is going to lose in the general anyway)… meanwhile, the investigations continue.


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