Friday, February 10, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 9, 2012


  1. Will 'Known Unknowns' Put Romney into the White House-

  2. Turnout Proves That Mitt Really Did Scorch the Earth

  3. New conservative publication offers to practice 'Combat Journalism' for the right

  4. Despite Reports, Occupy DC Has No Plans To Break The Law During CPAC Protest…

  5. Extreme Extremism

  6. The Ghost of P.E.Trudeau smirks again

  7. Here we go again. Obama is about to get our credit rating downgraded a second time

  8. Shameful- Elementary School Kids Shown Obama Propaganda  Video

  9. Priceless Image- Rahm Emanual's Signature on a $399,950 Check to the Second Amendment Foundation

  10. Man Claiming Allegiance to Occupy Pittsburgh Crashes Stolen SUV Through PNC Building

  11. Wisconsin Teacher Who Snubbed Congressman Has a History of Recruiting Students into Left-Wing Politics

  12. Fast and Furious- While Holder Makes Excuses, Mexico Is Making Arrests

  13. Spinning defeat-

  14. Jack Vettriano’s ‘The Birth Of A Dream’

  15. Unadulterated horsecrap

  16. Australia’s ABC..taxpayer-funded lefty liars

  17. Religion, Obama, and Your Liberties

  18. Christian Leaders Begin to Stand Up

  19. ACLU Nut Puts Right to the Pill Ahead of Freedom of Religion

  20. All Set Up In the CPAC Blogger’s Lounge

  21. Slave Computer Labels

  22. Recession Has No Power!

  23. Is It Just Me…Or…

  24. A Hand UP…Not A Hand OUT

  25. Daily Read – February 9

  26. A Painting Is Worth 1,000 Words

  27. Happy Birthday, Erik!

  28. Weekend!

  29. Warmies Meeting Cold Reality

  30. 2012 Election Integrity Project- Judicial Watch Announces Legal Campaign to Force Clean Up of Voter Registration Rolls

  31. HHS Contraception Edict Likely to be Ruled Unconstitutional if Not Overturned by Congress, Legal Experts Say

  32. Caterpillar will build new plant outside Illinois due to negative business climate

  33. CPAC 2012 gatecrashers- Unions, anarchists, Occupy D.C. and the New Black Panther Party!

  34. If Issues Rule the Day, Conservatives Win in November

  35. Marco Rubio- Obama “is a TERRIBLE President”

  36. Sens. Rubio and Manchin- Bipartisan Opposition To Obama’s First Amendment Overreach

  37. Rep. Steny Hoyer defends raiding the Social Security Trust Fund and replacing it with IOU’s

  38. Terry Bowman on Fox News- Are Union Leaders Infringing On Workers Rights-

  39. What do you know about the Federal Reserve-

  40. Let's kill the girl babies

  41. It's time for the Catholic bishops to make public statements about Sebelius, Pelosi

  42. Prophetic word- The Coming Woe

  43. Breaking Ranks- Democrat Calls Obama’s Contraception Mandate “Bone-headed”

  44. Photos From Thursday CPAC 2012

  45. Republican Military Hero & First Female to Command Fighter Squadron Will Announce Run For Congress Today

  46. It Begins… Christian Leaders Vow to Be Jailed Rather Than Cave to Obama’s HHS Law

  47. Mitt Must Pitch Bold Reform Plan to Win Conservatives to his Cause

  48. No, you don’t need a state sanction to get married

  49. HuffPo to fault Obama campaign for Super PAC coordination-

  50. Scott Walker-  progressive reformer

  51. Senate Dems Break Ranks With Obama On Contraception Mandate, Call Decision “Bone-Headed”…

  52. GOP Rep. Peter King Says He Plans To Hold More Congressional Hearings On Muslim Radicalization In 2012

  53. Catholic Nun Pleads With Joe Biden To “Fix” Contraception Ruling…

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