Sunday, February 5, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 4, 2012


  1. Bloomberg’s Push To Arm Criminals

  2. Tea Party Not Monolithic

  3. The Grand Jihad- How Islam and the Left Sabotage America (Andrew C. McCarthy)

  4. President Clinton on the Future of the Democrats and America

  5. Major Party Shift Among Jewish Voters

  6. ‘Loosers’ Of The Day

  7. It has been over 1,000 days since Senate Democrats have offered a budget and Harry Reid won't offer one this year

  8. Military orders Chaplains not to read letter critical of Obama

  9. If you don't love America, you can leave it, but there is a $450 fee

  10. ‘How green zealots are destroying the planet-

  11. Free speech- Depends…

  12. Londonistan

  13. Sliding smoothly into tyranny-

  14. Romney is the road to defeat for conservatives

  15. Arab Spring… Libyan Militia Tortures Former Ambassador to Death

  16. Outrage!… US Military Tells Catholic Chaplains What They Can and Can’t Say About Obama’s Assault On Religion 

  17. Trump’s impeccable sense of timing in endorsing Romney

  18. Here on Republican Isle

  19. Will Nevada mean anything-

  20. Rick Santorum is a Happy Wife!-!

  21. Ron Paul Sold His Soul to Mitt Romney-

  22. Excellent Tutorial on the “Grand Jihad”

  23. Allen West- 'Is Someone Playing with Unemployment Numbers-'

  24. David Quinn- This intolerant secularism is a threat to liberty

  25. At some point, cultural understanding and cultural treason intersect

  26. Police Complaint Filed Against Local Crazy Muslim Person Zafar Bangash

  27. Twist & Shout Mullah!

  28. Welcome to the New and Improved Zilla of the Resistance!

  29. Detroit

  30. Expanded Vision  [Saturday, February 4, 2012]

  31. Daily Read – February 4

  32. Philadelphia Sharia Law- Philadelphia City Council Fights For Sharia Law

  33. What The Frak, Belgium-

  34. Romney’s 9% [Reader Post]

  35. Obama Phones to Illegals

  36. Ruth Bader-Ginsburg Goes to Egypt, Criticizes Constitution

  37. God Save The Zombie Queen

  38. Culture of life

  39. Jon McNaughton's The Forgotten Man

  40. Is Euthanasia Every Justified

  41. Santorum’s Big Government Problem

  42. No prosecution of Lance Armstrong

  43. “Your life or your limb” Tweet of the Day

  44. Another Pallywood hoax exposed, again

  45. Work in progress

  46. Lies, Damn Lies, and Politics

  47. West Virginia Sheriff, Clerk Snared in Vote Fraud Investigation

  48. Say What You Want About Dodge

  49. A Magnificent Milestone, My 5 YEAR Blogoversary!

  50. Democrat Party Is Losing Christian Voters in Droves Thanks To Barack Obama

  51. Newt gets conservative argument on poverty

  52. THIS IS WAR- If They Succeed in Forcing a Romney Nomination On Us, The Republican Establishment Must Be Destroyed

  53. Stuffed Jalapenos

  54. Most Googled question- What time is the Super Bowl 2012-

  55. Michelle Obama reaches new heights in demeaning and be-clowning the office of first lady

  56. Turning “The World Upside Down” Once Again With A Gingrich Victory

  57. Thanks A Lot Georgia, For Shredding Our Constitution

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