Thursday, February 2, 2012

My List Of Articles I Read On February 1, 2012


  1. Baby Deer Takes Its First Steps on a Beach

  2. The loudest knock on ‘Spooky Dude’s’ Door

  3. Che Guevara’s Regime still Murdering the Young and the Defenseless

  4. People's Republic of California running out of money again

  5. Investigators searching for $1.2 billion in missing MF Global money should check Obama's campaign

  6. Boneheads Of The Day

  7. It’s time to draw the battle-lines

  8. A post every Kiwi should read!

  9. Solutions To Child Abuse-

  10. Anthony Weiner Used Campaign Cash For Private Investigators in Twitter Scandal

  11. Mitt Romney- “I’m Not Concerned About the Very Poor” (Video)

  12. Jesus Permitted to Stay Put on Big Mountain, Despite Efforts From Religion-Hating Left

  13. Sarah Palin- Romney’s $17 Million in Ads Bought ‘Some False Narrative’ in Florida (Video)

  14. “That Giant Sucking Sound”

  15. Newt refuses to congratulate Romney on Florida victory

  16. Romney will wrap up nomination if he learns from Newt’s mistakes

  17. Florida Votes For Four More Years of Obama, Obamacare

  18. Romney “Not Concerned for Poor”

  19. Conservatives, Tea Party Must Focus

  20. After Florida…

  21. 'Soul Train' creator Don Cornelius found dead

  22. Stop Calling Me Hitler Warns Hitler

  23. If Iran attacked, Canadian Jews may be singled out for revenge, warns local crazy Muslim person

  24. Moderate Muslim Group Backs NYPD Against Onslaught From Islamist Group CAIR and its Liberal Media Enablers

  25. Who's this happenin dude-

  26. Multiculturalism exposed as a sham

  27. Mooch Says Barack Serenades Her With Al Green, Marvin Gaye And “A Little Stevie”…

  28. - Senate Leaders Briefed On Pending Deal…

  29. Forget the Pain  [Wednesday, February 1, 2012]

  30. Guys and Dolls- How the missionary is redeemed by the gambler

  31. Déjà Vu All Over Again

  32. Daily Read – February 1

  33. Jim DeMint- No Compromise – We Need Courage

  34. The Headline Of The Year

  35. Indiana may soon be Rust Belt's first right-to-work state - Lafayette Journal and Courier

  36. Romney Still Doesn’t “Get It”

  37. More Evidence of Obama Fundraising Decline (Wall Street Insider Related)

  38. What is Senator Feinstein Up To- (White House Insider Related)

  39. California Business, an Oxymoron.

  40. Poll- Would you prefer to see more News or Opinion Columns on Posner Politics- 

  41. Don’t like Romney’s “unfair” tax rate- Blame Obama. [Reader Post]

  42. From Our Pockets To Far Left Activist Groups - Democrat Corruption At Work

  43. A Little Refreshment For The Soul - When Harry Met Buddy

  44. The way forward

  45. Romney played class warfare “poorly”

  46. “Romneycare is okay because Romney has the best chance of winning in November”

  47. Apathy will be the legacy of Romney’s carpet bombing

  48. Cable TV Pundits and Analysts Try to Figure Out What's Happening on This Show

  49. Come Together... Right Now... Over Bam

  50. Young Adult Author Doesn't Get Why Mitt's Not The One for Conservatives

  51. Family of Murdered Border Agent Brian Terry Files $25 Million Lawsuit Against ATF

  52. Treasury Official- ‘Debt Ceiling Will Not Have To Be Raised Until AFTER Elections’

  53. Record Lobbying In California Led By Unions

  54. Obama’s Little Lapdog Claire McCaskill Sinks in Latest Polls

  55. For The Record… Mitt Never Called to Congratulate Mike Huckabee After 2008 Iowa Caucus


  57. Profiles in how black conservatives are treated by “tolerant” black liberals

  58. Richard Milhous Obama- Barack McCarthy-

  59. Occupy VS Tea Party

  60. Election Resources- Defeat Obama – Info You Need

  61. School Gives Uggs The Boot

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