Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The Domestic Threats More Dangerous Than Barack Obama!


The Domestic Threats More Dangerous Than Barack Obama! by A.J. Cameron over at Canada Free Press

In the first two years of the Obama Presidency, the U. S. citizen was captive to the worst ‘representative’ government since the founding of our republic. The ultra-Left leaning President conspired with his fellow ‘Satancrat’ serpents in both Houses of Congress to force American citizens to bite ever deeper into the forbidden fruit of Socialism. Since seizing control of both Houses of Congress in 2006 through 2010, the Democrats cavalierly ignored the Constitution and their oaths of office to the U. S. citizen in ramming through their damning agenda, severely damaging our republic.


Any thinking, patriotic American citizen realizes how threatening Bully-Puppet Obama and his domestic and International Progressive confederacy are to our constitutional, representative republic, and we have come to realize they represent the very worst in elective politics, but there may be greater domestic threats lurking in plain sight.


The slithering serpents of secrecy and misinformation, a/k/a the traditional media, have abandoned all principle and responsibility in allowing themselves to be annexed by the Progressives. If the average citizen relies upon the lies of the traditional media, is it any wonder so many are misinformed when they enter the voting booth?


The media have joined the Axis of the Progressives in all branches of government, with all of them earning the shameful designation of ‘domestic threats,’ while they encourage and advance the damage they perpetrate against the American citizen and our republic. 


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