Friday, February 17, 2012

Brokered Convention Talk and Sarah Palin Create a Stir


Brokered Convention Talk and Sarah Palin Create a Stir by Mark over at Mark America


Eric Bolling’s hand was stretching across to Governor Palin to thank her for the interview at its conclusion, when my phone rang. I answered, and the first words I heard were: “How do we have a brokered convention?” I explained it in broad terms to my friend, who was ready now to go to war with the GOP, Democrats, or anybody who might stand in his way. I heard the call-waiting beep, and I excused myself, and fielded the next call. “Did you see that? How do we make sure that if there is a brokered convention, she’s picked, and not somebody else like Jeb?” I asked only: “Who’s speaking?” My hearing is failing as I get older, and sometimes I can’t differentiate particular voices over the phone. Nevertheless, once I knew to whom I was speaking, we discussed the matter at hand. Everybody who called wanted to know how a brokered convention could be forced, or how it would work, and if it could really work at all.


This went on from the moment of the conclusion of the Bolling-Palin interview until late into the night. Friends, associates, activists, and many others called me, and all of them wanted to know how to go about making sure of two things, and precisely two things: How can we make sure there is a brokered convention, and how can we make certain that Sarah Palin is the choice?


I will tell you now what I told them in simplified terms, as I’m sure over the next twenty-four hours, we’ll see people with more facts on the specifics: It still all comes down to delegates, but not merely numbers of them, but instead also who will be those delegates. To accomplish the reality of a brokered convention isn’t all that difficult in terms of the mechanics. Simply put, you just need to deny 1144 delegates to any of the candidates, and the best way for that to happen is to spread them around. If Santorum wins one, and then Romney wins one, and Gingrich wins one, and maybe eventually Ron Paul wins one, and this cycles around long enough to deny any that magic number of delegates, what you will have is a brokered convention. That’s a fact.


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