Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Booing the Gluttony of the Obamas


Judi McLeod makes you think about the gluttony of the Obamas


Booing the Gluttony of the Obamas by Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press

Michelle Obama and her two daughters off skiing in Colorado this long President Day weekend has nothing to do with health and fresh air, nor even to show sports prowess on the slopes.


The Colorado ski trip is just another demoralizing campaign tactic.


You’re at home hoping homemade biscuits will stretch the Sunday’s roast chicken dinner to feed visiting relatives while the exhilaration of powdered snow is painting Happy Faces on the women in Obama’s life.


Women is what Obama wants you to think this presidential campaign is all about.


All communication from the Obama regime portrays Republicans as deliberately forcing women back to the Beaver Cleavers of the 1950s when the male-inspired dictate of the day ostensibly was: “No birth control for you, Miss Alice.”


All male chauvinist pigs are Republican according to the Democrats’ latest smear campaign.


Gluttony is a dominating factor in all things Obama. 


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6 Better the poor whose walk is blameless

than the rich whose ways are perverse.

7 A discerning son heeds instruction,

but a companion of gluttons disgraces his father.

8 Whoever increases wealth by taking interest or profit from the poor amasses it for another, who will be kind to the poor.


Proverbs 28:6-8 NIV



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