Saturday, February 18, 2012

Any Mother Knows Better Than Michelle


I love the way Judi McLeod writes.  laughthumb


Any Mother Knows Better Than Michelle by Judi McLeod over at Canada Free Press 


Mothers’ familiar admonishment: “Drink your milk”, “Eat your veggies” is as old as Father Time.


Mother’s advice to drink your milk and eat your veggies come from the wellspring of mother love created by God and not politics.


These words spoken down through the annals of time are inestimable, indelible, indeed the very backbone of human nature; words of an unwritten law but still there even when children are facing the outside world. In the playground, Mommy isn’t there, but her words are never far away: “Walk, don’t run”, “Don’t climb trees”, “Always say “Please” and “Thank you”.


Children are governed not by agents of the USDA but in the trusting knowledge of their mothers’ abiding love in words that show up unexpressed in a mother’s lovingly packed school lunch. 


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